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Your Price Talks Workshop
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Professional Development
Price Talks Ltd
Parklane Motor Inn 2 Rewiti Place Takapuna
Full Day
(excl GST)
This workshop is suitable for: sales people, business development and account managers, business owners, self-employed, consultants, freelancers.

Program Outline

Registration. Tea and coffee provided.


* Welcome and introductions.
* Why price feels personal—and why you need to find your mojo.
* Understanding the psychology of price.
* The importance of understanding your customer’s money mentality, and how that impacts your pricing.

Lunch. BYO and sit by the pool or Buy Your Own in Takapuna (just 5-10 minutes walk).


* Price setting strategies and tactics to increase sales and profitability.
* The value-price matrix and your market position.
* Understanding customer segmentation to improve profitability.
* The 7 C’s of Pricing Yourself Right
Jane Francis is the author of ‘Price Yourself Right: A guide to charging what you are worth’ and ‘Price Talks: The Little book of Price Psychology’. Jane has a psychology degree and over 25 years’ sales and marketing experience, including winning awards for creating successful direct marketing campaigns.
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