Level 9, Baldwins Centre
342 Lambton Quay
New Zealand
Half Day 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
$290.00 excluding GST. per person
This half-day workshop will give you great tips on writing letters and emails that reflect well on you and your organisation.
Who this training is for Anyone who writes letters and emails as part of their work.
Topics writing to suit your purpose plain English principles appropriate language, content, tone, and structure modern business-writing practice and formatting email writing do’s and don’ts. Testimonials 'It was very worthwhile discussing the importance of tone, layout and readability in emails. I often overlook the importance of email at work when in fact it is the main way of communicating.' Alex Baird — New Zealand Qualifications Authority
'I didn't realise how many unnecessary words could be added into a sentence, and how easy it is to remove them to make a better sentence.' Kelleigh Richards — Telecom
Read more testimonials for our Writing Powerful Letters and Emails course
Training customised for your team You can have a unique training programme customised especially for your organisation.
Email training@write.co.nz or call 04 384 6447 to talk about your training needs and the cost.