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Using Social Media for Effective Public Engagement
14 Nov 2013
Professional Development
Victoria University Professional and Executive Development
Two Days
Early Bird Discount available until 28 days prior to the course start date $1,255.50 excl GST
This course explores the opportunities, challenges and conditions under which social media can be used by public sector agencies to achieve effective public engagement. It provides an overview of the latest international experience and works with practical examples from New Zealand.

Who should attend:
• Public sector staff with responsibility for and/or involvement in public engagement initiatives
• Representatives from NGOs and community organisations with responsibility for and/or involvement in public engagement initiatives
• Political representatives.

Learning objectives:
• Identify a suitable strategy for the use of social media in effective public engagement.
• Compare the use of different social media in a variety of public engagement initiatives, their challenges and conditions under which they can be used.
• Discuss the differences between ‘online’ and ‘offline’ public engagement and learn about multi-channel options for effective public engagement.
• Learn about New Zealand-based practical examples of effective public engagement
• Discuss the challenges of achieving effective public engagement and strategies for overcoming these challenges.

Course outline:
• Overview of strategies and underlying philosophies for public engagement.
• Overview of different social media (eg. internet, blogs, wikis, videos, sms, twitterSMS) used in public engagement initiatives, the challenges and conditions.
• Discussion of the differences between ‘online’ and ‘offline’ forms of public engagement and opportunities for multi-channel public engagement strategies.
• A New Zealand-based practical case example: the NZ Police Act Wiki.
• Discussion of what determines ‘effectiveness’ in public engagement using social media, including major challenges of influencing decision making, demonstrating results and achieving senior level support.
• A second New Zealand-based practical case example: the NZ Bioethics Council.
• Evaluation of the pros and cons of the use of social media for public engagement.

Course format:
A face-to-face intensive two-day workshop with up to 20 participants. There will be an optional dinner during the course to provide opportunity for further discussions.
Professor Miriam Lips is the first Professor of e-Government at Victoria University of Wellington. Her Chair is sponsored by Datacom Systems Limited, State Services Commission, Department of Internal Affairs, FX Networks Limited and Microsoft New Zealand Ltd. Prior to moving to New Zealand, Miriam held positions at the Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford University, and Tilburg University in the Netherlands. She has widespread international and national experience in applied e-Government related research, executive programme teaching and consultancy of value to the public sector and in close collaboration with government agencies and the IT industry.

Laura Sommer is an experienced specialist in online public engagement and participation, system-wide improvement and change management in the public sector. In one of her former roles, Laura has been responsible for a public sector-wide online participation programme: an innovative programme focused on the uptake of new media by public sector agencies and conditions for effective ICT-enabled public engagement. This programme has received senior level agreement and international endorsement as a leading example of system and service transformation.

Simon Wright is Senior Advisor Consultation and Engagement at Wellington City Council and a Committee Member of the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Australasia. Furthermore, Simon has gained extensive practical experience with the design and implementation of public engagement initiatives as a Senior Advisor at the Secretariat of Toi te Taiao: the Bioethics Council. The New Zealand Bioethics Council has received international recognition for its innovative and effective approach to public engagement.
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