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Unconscious Bias
New dates will be available shortly
Professional Development
New Zealand Institute of Management
This course is only available in Auckland
Full Day
Member price: $1,200.00

"Cultural differences should not separate us from each other, but rather cultural diversity brings a collective strength that can benefit all of humanity". - Robert Alan Silverstein

The dynamics of diversity are changing and workplace diversity is now a competitive advantage and a business imperative. Therefore, it is important for organisations to approach diversity in a way that enables them to achieve a fully diverse, inclusive and high performing workforce. There is now a greater awareness that for this is to be achieved, individuals and organisations need to address the unconscious biases that exist and impact on so many decisions.

Virtually every one of us has biases towards something, somebody or some group. Our unconscious patterns exist in many ways that are subtle and hard to spot. As well as unconscious biases belonging to individuals, they are organisational and influence hugely on an organisation’s culture. Despite our best conscious efforts, theses unconscious biases perpetuate the status quo and keeps old patterns, values and behavioural norms firmly in place unless they are consciously addressed.

The programme supports individuals and organisations to address their unconscious biases. The structure of the programme will be a full day and then 2 weeks later another half day.

Learning Outcomes

The learning objectives of day 1 are to:
•Explore the need for our workplaces to manage diversity at a deeper level.
•Understanding what unconscious bias means, by exploring the history, statistics and latest global research.
•Identify the impact of unconscious biases in your workplace and the impact of these biases on decision making and effective leadership.
•Understand the difference between our conscious and unconscious minds and how unconscious bias occurs.
•Apply the 7 steps to identify your unconscious biases.
•Understand and apply the 10 ways to manage your hidden biases.
•Develop a plan to integrate your learnings into your everyday working life.

The purpose of the additional half day is to reflect on and refine the experiences of the intervening weeks and to deepen people’s noticing, understanding, commitment and management of their unconscious biases.

Una Ryan
Una has her own organisational development consultancy that provides coaching, facilitation, training, conference sessions and consulting to the business, government and not for profit sectors, both locally and internationally.

Una’s ability to think systemically and to take a very pragmatic approach to situations, enables her to crystallise core issues for organisations, teams and individuals. Her wisdom, keen sense of humour and deep respect for others, makes working with her enjoyable and rejuvenating. Una’s knowledge and passion for sharing and transforming theoretical models of how people think and interact, into practical tools, ensures insights are gained and growth and new directions occur for those working with her.

Organisational Roles & Responsibilities

Head of Culture & Capability, Vodafone NZ

Development of Trans-Tasman leadership program

Development of programs for those delivering operationally

Review and integration of values throughout organisation

Review, redesign and implementation of Trans-Tasman succession process

Global review, redesign and implementation of new performance management system

Facilitation of leadership team development

Facilitation of high performing team development processes

Led virtual learning team from all functions of business

Training Programmes: Design, Development & Delivery

Diploma in Front Line Management

Leadership & Management Development

National Certificate in Adult Education

Train the Trainer

Performance Coaching

Change Management

Emotional Intelligence

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