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Tutankhamun: Then and Now
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Victoria University Community Continuing Education
Victoria University Community Continuing Education Level 2, Rutherford House, 23 Lambton Quay, Wellington Cit
After Hours
6:15 pm - 8:15 pm
Early Bird Discount available until 2 weeks prior to the course start date $81.00 incl GST

“Discovered tomb under tomb of Ramesses VI; investigated same and found seals intact” – 5 November 1922

“Opened sealed doorway” – 16 February 1923

(Private journal of Howard Carter)

Egyptologist Howard Carter opened the door to Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1923, more than 3,000 years after it had been sealed and the king had been forgotten by the world. The tomb and its contents became the most famous archaeological discovery of the 20th century. Carter and his colleagues oversaw the meticulous excavation and recording of the burial of a boy-king, entombed while ancient Egypt was at its most splendid, giving us a glimpse into a past almost beyond our imaginings.

The tomb and its contents have become synonymous with ancient Egypt and power, embedded in popular culture and as recognisable as the Great Pyramid. But how much have Tutankhamun and his burial taught us about this magnificent civilisation and those who ruled over it?

Almost a century later, these three seminars explore Tutankhamen’s place in ancient Egypt’s “Golden Age”, trace the path to his tomb’s discovery and consider how our understanding of the king’s final resting place has changed over the intervening decades.

Target audience:
This course will appeal to anyone interested in ancient history, classics or archaeology.

Learning objectives:
By the end of this course, students will have gained:

•a greater understanding of the process of the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb
•an appreciation of the tomb’s contents
•knowledge regarding royal burial practices in 18th- dynasty Egypt
•insight into archaeological advances over the intervening 90 years.
Course outline:
Topics covered include:

•Howard Carter and the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb
•Tutankhamun and the end of the 18th dynasty
•what Tutankhamun has taught us about ancient Egypt and what is left to discover.
Course format:
This series of two-hour lectures is held on Thursday evenings over three weeks.

There is a short break half-way through each session and you are welcome to bring refreshments if you wish.

For Further Information:
Community Continuing Education Victoria University of Wellington, PO Box 600, Wellington
Phone 04 463 6556, Email:

Sarah Vidler is a freelance consultant, guide and teacher of ancient Egyptian archaeology. She has led two Victoria University study tours to Egypt.

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