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Turn Your Customers Into Raving Fans
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Professional Development
Customer Service
Grow Your Business
Tangley on Clyde, 193 Clyde Road, (Near Jeffries Road)
After Hours
6.00 � 8.00pm
Grow Your Business Members FREE, 2nd person from the same company � price
When was the last time you asked your customers what would make or break your product or service for them? What they REALLY want?

It isn't always what you think! In fact I would go as far as to say it is often NOT what you think. So if this is true.... What are the ramifications of this? How many more sales could you make by fulfilling a simple customer suggestion?

Chances are, your customers wants and needs have changed over the past 12 months. Nothing stays static. Do you know what they think and feel about your products and your services now?

And another question - do you know the 'real customer experience' when a potential customer comes to your business? Are they getting their needs met, are they walking away wishing someone had saved them from shopping any further - for example, being asked for the sale? Did your team even take their details?

Turn your customers into raving fans by finding out what they want and delivering it and more!

Obtaining the right information that will impact on your sales is an artform. It requires careful planning and execution. This interactive business growth forum will give you the ideas, knowhow and tools to do this.

Come away with:

- 5 keys questions to ask your customers
- Key ways of obtaining this information so your customer feels valued
- Ways to collect information from potential customers through social media
- Ideas from other business owners
- How to turn your customers into raving fans!
- Links to FREE Customer survey software and ideas for effective use
- Just to top it all off, you may be eligible for the Business Management Training grant which refund half of your fee!! (I ill send you the forms to apply)
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