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Truth: Does it Matter?
Dates will be avalible shortly
Personal Interest
Victoria University Community Continuing Education
Level 2, Rutherford House, 23 Lambton Quay, Wellington City
Full Day
9:30am - 4:30pm
In this course Dr Robert Shaw will draw upon Aristotle, Kant and Heidegger to argue that truth is important in science, education and religion. The alternative is that truth is irrelevant in modern technology, law and religious practice. The course offers an opportunity to discuss these alternatives.

Target Audience:
This course will be of interest to the general public, or anyone with an interest in the science and religious education sectors.

Learning Objectives:
By the end of this course students will have discussed:
* alternative concepts of truth
* the relevance of truth to science, education and religion.

Course Outline:
This one-day course will consist of two three-hour sessions that start with an introductory lecture and are followed by group discussion. Topics that will be covered include:
* the history of truth
* Aristotle and truth
* Aquinas and truth
* Heidegger and truth
* truth at school
* truth and reality in science
* the experience of religion.

Course Format:
This is a Saturday course with both morning and afternoon sessions. Each session starts with an introductory lecture before the floor is opened for group discussion.

Morning and afternoon tea will be provided. Participants will need to supply their own lunch, which can be purchased at nearby food outlets, or you are welcome to bring your own.

Class Limit:
This course is limited to a maximum of 25 participants.
Places are limited, so please enrol early.

Saturday, 21 May 2011 9:30am - 4:30pm Workshop
Dr Robert Shaw has worked as a public servant, a teacher and as an elected local government representative. He enjoys discussions on serious topics and holds degrees in science, public policy and philosophy.

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