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Train the Trainer
9 Dec 2015
Professional Development
Manukau Institute of Technology
Faculty of Business and Information Technology Reception, Floor 2 Corner of Manukau Station Road and Davies Avenue, Manukau
Full Day
8.30am to 4.30pm
including GST
Effective teaching strategies are essential for sharing information with staff and customers. Know how training fits into your organisation and make sure that any staff, with a responsibility for instruction, upskills their teaching skills in Train the Trainer, this hands-on one-day MIT Business Course.

Good trainers make a difference. Participants will see this, learn to identify people’s different learning styles and how to teach to them, and come away ready to run highly effective training sessions.
Core Content

The Trainer Role

* Where does training fit into business?

The Learning Process

* How do adults learn best?
* A review of learning styles
* Overcoming obstacles to learning in adults
* Competency-based training
* Motivating learners

Trainer Traits

* Communication
* Listening
* Body language
* Teaching styles
* Giving feedback
* Trainer ethics

Planning the Training Session

* The session planner
* Mixing the methods
* Feedback and follow up
* Maintaining the learning relationship
* Tips for creating a positive training environment
* Dealing with difficult trainees

Resources and Tools

* Tools of the trade
* Training material
* Learner note keeping
* Measuring learning achievement
* Technology


At the end of this MIT Business Course for SMEs you will:

* Know what a trainer should achieve – and who else in the organisation needs to be on board
* Understand how adults learn
* Learned a number of successful training skills and traits
* Feel comfortable enough to prepare and run an effective training session
* Know how to equip yourself to run a valuable training session or programme

Training Style

* Presented by industry expert
* Real-life case studies
* Group discussion and in-class feedback
* Action plans completed in-class
* Post-course exercises

Who should attend?

SME owner/managers, staff in any organisation required to train other team members.
Robyn Viljoen
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