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Team Life Code Matrix
Workshop organised to suit client requirements
Professional Development
Innovation Partners Ltd
Program is normally facilitated in the workplace or our training rooms in Waimauku Auckland. Facilitation elsewhere incurs travel and accommodation costs for Matrix Navigator.
Full Day
Price exclusive of GST. For teams 8 to 10. Smaller and larger teams negotiable
A one day powerful process where team members who have completed the individual Life Code Matrix program contribute elements from their own life codes to build a team identity.
Communication flow overview:

Part One – Building the team metaphor

Each person discusses their own individual Life Code Matrix metaphor and how they relate it to their work environment and situation.

As a group, unpack and name the team LIFE CODE.
Create the team METAPHOR.
Decipher the meaning of the metaphor for the context of work/team issues.

Part Two – Personal alignment with the team metaphor

Individuals list the ways they operate in/out of alignment with the metaphor
As a small group come up with creative solutions
Feedback the action YOU are going to take to make a difference TO THE TEAM

Independently researched with research published in the International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring August 2012.

Organisations that have used Life Code Matrix include: Drake International, Repair Group, Wise Management, Event Cinemas, Child Youth & Family (New Zealand). PriceWaterhouseCoopers (Sydney), Mattel Inc. (Los Angeles), World Vision (Johannesburg). Hundreds of people have experienced Life Code Matrix on an individual basis.


A highly skilled trainer, business and life coach Cilla has also had a successful career in marketing and business development and has previously been recognised as one of the leading female marketers in Australia.
One of the unusual things she brings to her work is her background, from growing up in a remote part of Papua New Guinea with tribal people. This has contributed to her passion for discovering the uniqueness and wholeness of each person’s identity which led her to design Life Code Matrix. Her focus is training and accrediting Matrix Navigators to enable the benefits of Life Code Matrix to be experienced by as many people as possible.

She is a published author and key note speaker. Currently working on her fifth book.
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