Level 9, Baldwins Centre
342 Lambton Quay
New Zealand
Half Day 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
$249.00 excluding GST. per person
You need to stay abreast of the latest conventions in writing and editing. Why? Because your readers make instant judgments about you when they spot old-fashioned styles and inconsistencies. Don't let your writing style let you down.
Join Write style queen Margaret Austin in this 2½ hour workshop as she reveals the ‘must know’ style tips you need to make your writing consistent, professional, and current.
The Style Conventions workshop will give you the most up-to-date information on the topics we’re always being asked about:
bullet points semicolons hyphens and dashes capitalisation heading styles ‘which’ and ‘that’ commas numbers referencing alignment font layout. Complimentary resources and a style test for you
You'll take away:
a copy of The Write Style Guide for New Zealanders (valued at $36 + GST)
a handout of the examples given in the workshop a test piece to work on. When you submit your test piece, we’ll review it for style and send your work back to you with full comments and a rating.
Training customised for your team We can customise this workshop for your team. Contact us to talk about your training needs, dates, and fees.
Email training@write.co.nz. Or call us on 04 384 6447 or 0800 4WRITE (0800 497 483)
Who this training is for This workshop is for all writers and editors.