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Strategic Thinking for Government Level 1
25 Jun 2014
Professional Development
Victoria University Professional and Executive Development
Level 2, Rutherford House, 23 Lambton Quay, Wellington City
Full Day
9:00am - 4.30pm
Victoria University Staff 15% Discount Fee $590.75 excl GST
This introductory course on strategic thinking introduces public and private sector analysts to the vocabulary, concepts and tools that they will find essential in strategy formulation and implementation. While the course is designed to suit analysts in either the public or private sectors, most of the examples drawn on will be public sector oriented.

Who Should Attend:
This course is aimed at entry to mid-level level strategic analysts and policy advisors. This course, plus its companion Level Two Strategic Thinking Course, is also suitable for public service managers who are seeking insights into why strategic thinking and strategic analysis are considered to be increasingly essential to an outcome perspective, particularly at government level.

Learning Objectives:
* Understand the skill sets and vocabulary used in strategic thinking Explain what is meant by the terms strategic thinking, strategic planning and strategic management
* Understand the relative place of strategic thinking and policy analysis in the overall public sector value creation chain
* Examine a range of creative and analytical tools that are used in strategic thinking and know where to look for follow-up information on these tools.

Course Outline:
Session One - Introduction
What is strategy and strategic thinking?
What skill sets and mental attributes are involved in strategic thinking?
Understanding the differences between strategic thinking, strategic planning and strategic management.
Examples of strategic thinking.
Group discussion. Summary of main points.

Session Two - Developing your strategic thinking skills
The application of creativity tools to strategic thinking.
What are some representative creativity tools used in strategic thinking, and where can follow up information on them be found?
Illustrating and applying the tools. Course members will be split up into syndicate groups and given a range of problems to work on using the creativity tools described in Strategy Survival Guide (key extracts from this UK Prime Minister's Strategy Unit 2004 publication are included in the course reading).
Group work.
Report back and discussion.

Session Three - Developing your strategic thinking skills
The application of analytical tools to strategic thinking. Example worked through in class (logic tree analysis) followed by syndicate work.
Group discussion. Summary of main points

Session Four - Bringing it all together
Strategic thinking in organisations: the challenges
Illustrations of good strategic thinking in the New Zealand public sector context.
Concluding points.
Group discussion and overall review.

Course Format:
The course presenters will use a variety of practical examples to demonstrate both the skill sets and the creative tools involved in strategic thinking. Participants will have an opportunity to explore the tools in group exercises and to report back on their learning. Selected readings and reference materials will be provided.

Dr Lance Beath is a Senior Lecturer in Victoria University's School of Government postgraduate degree programme in strategic studies. He teaches a number of the individual papers within the programme including papers on strategic thinking and strategic analysis.

Greg Claridge is a public sector consultant specialising in advice on high level strategy, baseline reviews and thinking about outcomes.
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