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Rethink Madness - Mental Health Workshops
To be arranged with client
Personal Interest
Fitness and Wellbeing
Mind and Body Consultants
Training rooms on Manukau Rd, Epsom. Facilitators can come to you if more convenient.
To be arranged with client from 1 hour to several modules tailored to your specific needs)
Like Minds, Like Mine is a nationwide programme funded by the Ministry of Health to counter discrimination associated with 'Mental Illness'.

The Mind and Body "Like Minds" team is a free resource available to your organisation. We work with organisations and groups through:

- Facilitating tailored workshops that explore societal attitudes
towards 'mental illness'.
- Supporting the devlopment of policies and practices that prevent

Customised activity-based workshops provide participants with the opportunity to:

- Reflect on current knowledge and beliefs about 'mental illness'and people
with experience of 'mental illness'.
- Investigate the role that society and the media play in developing and
reinforcing stigma and discrimatory attitudes and behaviour.
- Access an alternative lens and different perspectives for rethinking distress
and exploring the sense that madness can make
- Consider the impact that discrimination has on the lives of people with
experience of 'mental illness'.
- Establish specific and practical ways to develop non-discrimatory attitudes
and behaviour

Workshops centre around thought-provoking activities that facilitate informed discussion.

Throughout, participants have the opportunity to safely express their opinions, listen to others, and reflect upon how those opinions are formed.

Workshop length depends upon the needs of your organisation. We offeranything from one hour introductory presentations to full day workshops. Your organisation is responsible for providing a suitable venue in which to hold the workshop.
Our course delivery team includes

- Psychologists
- People with personal experience of mental unwellness and recovery
- Professional actor/s
- experienced Mind and Body Consultants’ Peer Support Workers (many of whom have a teaching background)
- other adult educators with specialist knowledge who have an understanding of recovery-based mental health peer support

Staff selection criteria and professional development procedures are specified in our Quality Management System to ensure the high quality of our teaching staff.

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