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Protecting Your IP: From Idea to Product
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Professional Development
Victoria University Professional and Executive Development
Level 2, Rutherford House, 23 Lambton Quay, Wellington City
Full Day
9:00am - 4:30pm
Early Bird Fee Payment Due 12/10/11 $667.58
In today's information economy we are all users and/or creators of various kinds of Intellectual Property (IP). In addition, many IP policies are the subject of debate, both in New Zealand and internationally. It is important, therefore, that we all have some knowledge of IP: not only to ensure our personal and business legal compliance, but also so that, as responsible citizens, we can participate in the IP debates.
This one day course will provide you with a basic understanding of four important areas of IP: copyright, trademarks, registered designs, and patents.

Who Should Attend:
The course content is directed at a general audience who would like to improve or expand their knowledge of IP. It provides an overview of IP at an introductory level, rather than an in-depth study of any one area. Participants are likely to come from a variety of professional backgrounds, including business, education, publishing, marketing, and government. The course is also suitable for individuals who create and use IP, such as bloggers, musicians, artists and inventors.

Course Objectives:
* Identify IP categories: copyright, trademarks, registered designs and patents Provide an overview of the laws relating to copyright, trademarks, registered designs and patents
* Apply the above laws to real life situations involving IP users and creators
* Discuss some of the current issues in IP law and policies.

Course Outline:
* Introduction and overview of IP law - the historical rationale for IP law; international implications, including the link with international trade.
* Copyright - what is a copyright work? Who owns copyright and what rights does the owner have? What rights does a user have? Are there moral rights? How does copyright work online?
* Trade marks - how should you select and protect a trade mark? How long does trade mark protection last? Does a trade mark always have to be registered? What happens if another business uses a similar trade mark?
* Registered designs - what is the difference between copyright protection and registered design protection? Can a design be protected by both copyright and as a registered design?
* Patents - how can you protect your invention using a patent? What are the advantages and disadvantages of patent protection?
* Issues - for example, should we extend the term of copyright protection? Should computer software be patentable? Should we expand the permitted uses of copyright works?

Course Format:
The course is interactive, including lecturer presentations providing an overview of each topic, followed by group discussions and analysis of real life problems in each area of IP. The class size will be small - no more than 16 participants.

Susan Corbett teaches marketing law, contract law, and e-commerce law to business students at Victoria University. She also teaches an honours course in intellectual property issues for business and culture. Her research is focused on the interfaces of intellectual property laws with digital culture, the information economy, and the broader community, and she has published extensively in these areas. Current projects include an analysis of cultural property laws relevant to digital archiving, for which she is funded by the New Zealand Law Foundation. Prior to her academic career, Susan Corbett worked as a solicitor in London and she has also been admitted as a barrister and solicitor in New Zealand.
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