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Problem Solving and Decision Making
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Professional Development
New Zealand Institute of Management
This course is only offered in Auckland
Two Days
30 -31 October 2013
Member rate: $1,200.00
"Again and again, the impossible decision is solved when we see that the problem is only a tough decision waiting to be made." Dr. Robert Schuller

Everyday business change creates a multitude of management challenges, otherwise known as problems. If you constantly face the unexpected, it's time to learn some strategies for converting these challenges to advantages.

Problem Solving and Decision Making offers solutions to everyday business headaches and therfore, by developing improved planning systems and implementation skills you can immediately minimise problems. By employing appropriate techniques of management you identify emerging problems before they take effect. By employing appropriate problem solving strategies you can convert the challenge to an advantage.

Learning Outcomes

Problem Solving and Decision Making is a highly practical and applied learning workshop. This programme applies the processes, tools and techniques of Problem Solving and Decision Making through the use of real-life situations and a high degree of practical business focus.

As a result of this learning initiative you will:
•Use a valid framework to approach decision making and problem solving
•Discover and critically evaluate your own decision making style
•Develop skills for problem identification and analysis
•Identify and assess relevant factor, and distinguish between symptoms and causes
•Understand how much to isolate the options and select the best possible solutions
•Discover the benefits of team problem solving and experience the power of synergy
•Understand how you get team members to buy-in to the resultant plan, decision and solution
•Be able to isolate the problems of "groupthink" and show how they might be avoided
•Understand the linear programming and decision trees.

Peter Sammons

Peter Sammons
With more than 18 years' organisational development and training experience Peter is a seasoned facilitator and experienced leader of programmes that create team alignment.

Peter’s primary focus is helping teams and individuals develop the skills and attributes they need to achieve tangible organisational results.

He specialises in:
• Team alignment, team development, and team-working.
•Facilitating teams to plan improvements, strategic planning, business planning and problem solving sessions.
•Leadership development - especially transition to the “next step” - helping current and future team leaders develop the personal and interpersonal skills they require for their roles.
•Supporting groups and individuals identify their personal and professional development needs, and working with them to improve their ability to deliver results.

He works with a wide range of public and private sector organisations both in New Zealand and internationally.

An advocate of lifelong learning, Peter has a degree in Business Psychology and has undertaken extensive human behavioural training. He has been a member of the NZ Institute of Management's facilitation team since 1994 and is an NZQA qualified assessor.

Outside of work Peter is a trustee of Restorative Justice Waitakere – providers of Restorative Justice Facilitation services to the Department of Justice.


Willem Knibbeler

Willem Knibbeler

Willem has extensive experience in hands-on management. First in the Netherlands and since 1980 in New Zealand he has held leadership positions in private as well as public sector organisations including with (Swedish) Signode, Winstone, Feltex and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Since 1994 Willem operates as an independent contractor, designing and delivering workshops in management development and associated areas. As a senior contract facilitator for the New Zealand Institute of Management Willem has delivered training for organisations like the BNZ, Palmerston North City Council, Landcorp and the Ministries of Inland Revenue and Internal Affairs. In addition he has provided specialised training to Parliamentary and Ministerial Services and to the Office of Treaty Settlements. His own clients include TradeMe, Telecom, the Agri-Women Development Trust, Beef & Lamb and the Motor Trade Association (MTA).

Willem has run successful training programmes in:
•Strategic Thinking - - Strategic Management - - Problem Solving and Decision Making
•Negotiation Skills - - Conflict Resolution Skills - - Mediation Skills
•Dealing with Difficult People or Situations
•Emotional Intelligence

Willem’s passion is to pass on his skills, knowledge and motivation to New Zealand professionals. His particular strength is in customising the content and the delivery of his workshops to meet the exact needs of his clients.

Willem’s qualifications include Masters Degrees in Business Administration (Executive MBA), in Management (MMgt) and in International Relations (MIR). He is accredited in the use of:
•DiSC™ – personality style profiling
•BarOn EQi™ – measure of emotional intelligence
•Various 360° feedback instruments

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