Be able to confidently address problems in the workplace by knowing how to define them and develop optional solutions, which you can then evaluate and make effective decisions upon. This workshop covers the methodology involved in defining problems, exploring solutions, making decisions and developing an action plan.
Certification you can receive National Qualifications Framework Record of Learning Page Content What you will be able to do
• Use problem solving methodology to analyse a problem • Develop optional solutions • Resolve issues in the workplace by using this methodology • Make effective decisions • Construct a plan of action to resolve the issue • Know how to get the buy-in of others
What we will cover
• The four step process to solve problems and make decisions • Develop an understanding of processes and techniques to improve decision-making and the quality of decisions • Understand the influence of personality type on decision making, gain insights into your own preferences and be provided with tools to improve your personal effectiveness
Who should attend
• Staff who are responsible for decision making and problem solving