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Practical Experience - Bargaining for a Collective Agreement
New dates will be avalible shortly
Professional Development
Accounting / Finance
EMA Learning
EMA, 159 Khyber Pass Road, Grafton, Auckland
Two Days
8.30am - 5.00pm
EMA Members: $1,900 + GST ($2,185)
This two day course is designed to enhance your knowledge and negotiating skills in collective bargaining.

Facilitators, Mark Kamphorst and Ross Anderson will share the benefit of their 30 years’ each experience and knowledge and guide you through a typical negotiating scenario of employer and union delegates bargaining for a collective agreement.Over the two day period you will enact a typical situation, and be guided and advised by the experts. This will significantly enhance not only your experience, but your confidence in any collective bargaining situation.

Benefit yourself and your company, by being informed and assertive when undertaking collective bargaining in your workplace.
Who should come:
* Those with exposure to union activities (actual interaction); and
* Are familiar with the collective bargaining provisions within the ERA.
* Representatives of employers only.

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