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Organisations and Management
New Dates will be available shortly
Professional Development
Business Management
New Zealand Institute of Management
This course is only offered in Auckland
Full Time
Memeber rate: $1,600.00

"Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall." Stephen R. Covey

In this new three-day foundation programme, participants will aim to understand the factors that influence management and the organisation and apply a range of factors. From working through management philosophies, environments or organisational behaviour, this course will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of how these two key functions need to operate for you and your organisation to be successful.

As a key module of the NZIM Diploma in Management - Level 5, this programme is a core programme to start you on your professional development journey to formal and professional academic recognition.

Learning Outcomes

This highly practical programme covers all aspects of Organisations and Management and encourages candidates to actively participate to get the very most out of the course. This includes working in group exercises, case studies discussions, role-plays and simulations and experiential exercises that are conducted in a relaxed and accepting learning environment.

By achieving the key areas of this programme, participants will be able to:

•Maintain an understanding of management roles and skills within an organisation
•Understand problem solving and decision making in organisations
•Understand the development of management philosophies and their influence on current management practices
•Write a plan to focus on the management of tasks, people, efficiency and effectiveness
•Use analytical tools to evaluate the impact that internal and external environments have on organisations
•Understand the influence of ethics and social responsibility on decision making
•Understand the purpose of planning and control and apply processes to a given situation
•Understand and apply ways to lead and motivate individuals and teams

Peter Sammons

Peter Sammons
With more than 18 years' organisational development and training experience Peter is a seasoned facilitator and experienced leader of programmes that create team alignment.

Peter’s primary focus is helping teams and individuals develop the skills and attributes they need to achieve tangible organisational results.

He specialises in:
• Team alignment, team development, and team-working.
•Facilitating teams to plan improvements, strategic planning, business planning and problem solving sessions.
•Leadership development - especially transition to the “next step” - helping current and future team leaders develop the personal and interpersonal skills they require for their roles.
•Supporting groups and individuals identify their personal and professional development needs, and working with them to improve their ability to deliver results.

He works with a wide range of public and private sector organisations both in New Zealand and internationally.

An advocate of lifelong learning, Peter has a degree in Business Psychology and has undertaken extensive human behavioural training. He has been a member of the NZ Institute of Management's facilitation team since 1994 and is an NZQA qualified assessor.

Outside of work Peter is a trustee of Restorative Justice Waitakere – providers of Restorative Justice Facilitation services to the Department of Justice.
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