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Operations Management
12 Dec 2013
Professional Development
New Zealand Institute of Management
This course is only offered in Auckland
Two Days
12 - 13 December 2013
Member rate: $1,600.00

“In the end, all business operations can be reduced to three words: people, product and profits. Unless you've got a good team, you can't do much with the other two.” Lee Iacocca

This practical management programme provides knowledge and skills to build operational excellence, efficiency and productivity in all areas of the business. Maximising efficiencies in producing goods or services has become paramount to remain competitive in the local or global market.

As a key module of both the NZIM Diploma in Management - Level 5 and/or the NZIM Diploma in Management (Advanced) - Level 6, this programme is a core programme to start you on your professional development journey to formal and professional academic recognition.

Learning Outcomes

This two day intensive programme is designed for managers to understand functions of operations management and apply techniques to ensure efficient and effective production of goods and services. You will learn through presentations, simulations, group problem-solving exercises, and a self-initiated project. You will be encouraged to participate, debate, develop creative ideas, test your judgment, defend your opinions – so that you will develop confidence to transform knowledge and inspiration into winning performance.

By achieving the key areas of this programme, participants will be able to:
•Understand the role of Operations management in relation to other main organisational functions
•Explain quality management, and apply quality management techniques to improve operations across an organisation
•Select and justify appropriate facilities to ensure efficient provision of a product
•Understand the role of project management, and apply appropriate project management techniques
•Understand performance management to determine appropriate performance measures for an operations system
•Understand capacity management, apply techniques relating to resource planning, and recommend appropriate actions
•Apply an understanding of supply chain management, inventory management and materials management

Richard Millar

Richard Millar
Richard’s depth of business knowledge and skills in sales, marketing, finance and general management coupled with a very practical approach to training and facilitation has provided excellent value to a large number of organisations.

Richard’s background includes Chief Executive Officer of Cogent Communications in New Zealand where he was responsible for restructuring the company, transforming it into a profitable high growth telecommunications business.

Based in Singapore, Richard was Vice President, Asia Pacific, for Motorola Cellular, having been Managing Director of Motorola New Zealand for more than two years. In addition, Richard has held a number of other senior management positions including General Manager of Epson New Zealand.

Programme Delivery:

Change Management

Strategic Management

Business Finance

Diploma in Frontline Management

Diploma in Management Advanced


Willem Knibbeler

Willem Knibbeler

Willem has extensive experience in hands-on management. First in the Netherlands and since 1980 in New Zealand he has held leadership positions in private as well as public sector organisations including with (Swedish) Signode, Winstone, Feltex and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Since 1994 Willem operates as an independent contractor, designing and delivering workshops in management development and associated areas. As a senior contract facilitator for the New Zealand Institute of Management Willem has delivered training for organisations like the BNZ, Palmerston North City Council, Landcorp and the Ministries of Inland Revenue and Internal Affairs. In addition he has provided specialised training to Parliamentary and Ministerial Services and to the Office of Treaty Settlements. His own clients include TradeMe, Telecom, the Agri-Women Development Trust, Beef & Lamb and the Motor Trade Association (MTA).

Willem has run successful training programmes in:
•Strategic Thinking - - Strategic Management - - Problem Solving and Decision Making
•Negotiation Skills - - Conflict Resolution Skills - - Mediation Skills
•Dealing with Difficult People or Situations
•Emotional Intelligence

Willem’s passion is to pass on his skills, knowledge and motivation to New Zealand professionals. His particular strength is in customising the content and the delivery of his workshops to meet the exact needs of his clients.

Willem’s qualifications include Masters Degrees in Business Administration (Executive MBA), in Management (MMgt) and in International Relations (MIR). He is accredited in the use of:
•DiSC™ – personality style profiling
•BarOn EQi™ – measure of emotional intelligence
•Various 360° feedback instruments

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