Victoria University Community Continuing Education
This course is only offered in Wellington
After Hours 10 weeks, Mon 5:45 PM - 7:45 PM
$240.00 Early Bird Discount available until 2 weeks prior to the course start date $216.00 incl GST
Overview: This course follows on from New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) 2. It continues to improve your receptive and expressive skills with a focus on descriptive terms and NZSL grammar.
New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) is the language of the New Zealand Deaf community and was recognised as New Zealand's third official language in 2006.
Target audience: New Zealand Sign Language 3 is suitable for those who have completed NZSL 2 or its equivalent (approximately 40 hours tuition in NZSL), and who wish to continue to study NZSL for personal or business reasons.
Learning objectives: By the end of this course students should be able to:
•Make requests and offer assistance •Identify and describe people through noticeable or distinctive characteristics •Describe personal qualities •Describe a story sequence in NZSL •Recognise and use NZSL grammar: topic-comment structure, classifiers, verbs, role shifting, spatial reference, number forms Course format: This course comprises 20 hours of classroom interactive group learning made up of 2-hour sessions over 10 weeks. To reinforce your learning homework is encouraged. There is no formal assessment.
Class limit: This course is limited to a maximum of 16 participants so please enrol early.
Required materials: New Zealand Sign Language Student DVD Units 7-12, and New Zealand Sign Language Student Workbook Units 7-12.
The course materials must be purchased separately and are not included in the course fee. It can be purchased online at the New Zealand Sign Language Teachers Association. Please Note: It can take up to 3 weeks for NZSLTA resources to be delivered, so please order early.
Teacher: Sara Pivac Alexander has taught New Zealand Sign Language at Victoria University since 2006