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Negotiating Skills
5 Sep 2013
Professional Development
New Zealand Institute of Management
This course is only offered in Auckland
Two Days
5 - 6 September2013
Member rate: $1,200.00

“Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.” John F. Kennedy

The NZIM Negotiating Skills programme will help participants to develop the practical skills to negotiate successfully in any business setting where mutual benefit and ongoing relationships are central. It will provide participants with the knowledge and practice to prepare, conduct and conclude commercial as well as conflict negotiations.

As manager's we are naturally in situations where we must negotiate outcomes across all functions of business both internal and external. By attending this short course you will confidently identify positive solutions that will make you a much better communicator and manager.

Learning Outcomes

During these two days, you will be encouraged to participate, debate, develop creative ideas and practice so that you will develop confidence to transform knowledge and inspiration into winning performance.

By achieving the key areas of this programme, participants will be able to:
•Prepare negotiations by taking account of the issues, the timing and the people you are be dealing with
•Anticipate and identify the other party’s interests and have strategies to manage their response
•Conduct negotiations using tested and effective strategies to achieve outcomes of mutual benefit
•Identify the negotiation style of an opponent, and match that style with effective strategies to create rapport
•Prepare and conduct team negotiations, either as the team leader or as an effective participant
•Counter aggression or diversion, and keep the negotiation on track with an eye on the desired outcome
•Differentiate between the various bargaining styles and select the best response to each
•Build your reputation as a skilled and credible negotiator who achieves great outcomes whilst maintaining relationships

Kieran Bird

Kieran Bird
Kieran’s professional experience has the consistent theme of successfully working with organisations to achieve key goals to grow their financial bottom line, identify specific training needs and the focus of designing learning frameworks for companies looking to build leadership capability.

He has spent 18 years working in the USA, Canada and the UK and was Managing Director of Richard Denny’s UK-based soft skills training consultancy in 2009-10. Prior to returning to Auckland in February 2012 Kieran spent 12 months in the Wellington region as a Career Councillor for a global HR consultancy.

Kieran is also the author of "PersonaPR: The End of the Cold Call Era" and offers coaching, workshops and speeches on career management, personal branding, presentation skills and sales.

Willem Knibbeler

Willem Knibbeler

Willem has extensive experience in hands-on management. First in the Netherlands and since 1980 in New Zealand he has held leadership positions in private as well as public sector organisations including with (Swedish) Signode, Winstone, Feltex and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Since 1994 Willem operates as an independent contractor, designing and delivering workshops in management development and associated areas. As a senior contract facilitator for the New Zealand Institute of Management Willem has delivered training for organisations like the BNZ, Palmerston North City Council, Landcorp and the Ministries of Inland Revenue and Internal Affairs. In addition he has provided specialised training to Parliamentary and Ministerial Services and to the Office of Treaty Settlements. His own clients include TradeMe, Telecom, the Agri-Women Development Trust, Beef & Lamb and the Motor Trade Association (MTA).

Willem has run successful training programmes in:
•Strategic Thinking - - Strategic Management - - Problem Solving and Decision Making
•Negotiation Skills - - Conflict Resolution Skills - - Mediation Skills
•Dealing with Difficult People or Situations
•Emotional Intelligence

Willem’s passion is to pass on his skills, knowledge and motivation to New Zealand professionals. His particular strength is in customising the content and the delivery of his workshops to meet the exact needs of his clients.

Willem’s qualifications include Masters Degrees in Business Administration (Executive MBA), in Management (MMgt) and in International Relations (MIR). He is accredited in the use of:
•DiSC™ – personality style profiling
•BarOn EQi™ – measure of emotional intelligence
•Various 360° feedback instruments

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