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Motivate and Manage Your Staff
17 Sep 2015
Professional Development
Manukau Institute of Technology
Faculty of Business and Information Technology Reception, Floor 2 Corner of Manukau Station Road and Davies Avenue, Manukau
Full Day
8.30am to 4.30pm
including GST
Employee motivation and engagement are essential to organisational success. Effective leaders and managers motivate staff to use their full talents, working together as an effective unit.

Understand motivation and human behaviour in the workplace, motivational techniques, how to use reward and incentives, and how to motivate while managing performance in Motivate and Manage Your Staff, a practical one-day MIT Business Course. This course is essential to anyone in a supervisory or managerial role.

Who should attend?

SME owner/managers, managers of non-profits and business managers in larger organisations.


At the end of this MIT Business Course for SMEs, you will:

* Understand the fundamentals of motivation and expectation
* Know the key tasks involved in leading and/or managing groups
* Competently apply motivational techniques to various workplace settings
* Compare reward and incentive schemes designed
* Understand the complexities of performance management

Training Style

* Presented by industry expert
* Real-life case studies
* Group discussion
* Action planning for your business with in-class feedback
* Post-course follow-up

Core Content

Introduction to Motivation

* Why motivating people is an important management function
* Key terms
* People and how they behave
* A review of expectation and motivation theory
* Key principles behind motivation

Key Manager Tasks

* Setting goals
* Building a team culture
* Individual catch ups
* Providing feedback
* Using team meetings to motivate people

Motivational Techniques

* Motivating individuals and teams
* Common motivational techniques (individual and team)
* The role of competition and tension in the workplace

Rewards and Incentives

* The psychology of reward and incentive schemes
* Workplace satisfiers and dis-satisfiers
* Common reward and incentive schemes
* Applying these schemes to different workplace environments?

Performance Management

* A review of stereotypes that can prove tricky to manage
* Telling someone off/Being firm but fair
* Handling difficult people
* Performance management process
* Motivating people in performance management processes
Robyn Viljoen
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