Christchurch, futher information will be giev after booking
Full Time 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
$580.00 excluding GST. per person
Description Do you find minute writing time-consuming and frustrating? Find out how easily you can produce minutes that are clear, concise, and well presented.
Who this training is for Minute Writing is for anyone who needs to produce concise, accurate minutes.
Topics Clarifying your purpose
Why take minutes? Standard minute-writing conventions
Understand the conventions unique to writing minutes Minutes as a seven-step process
Familiarise yourself with the agenda Decide on the type of minutes you need for your meeting Take notes during the meeting Write up the minutes Check for accuracy, consistency, and tense Edit in plain English Proofread for polish Testimonials ‘Write truly are the plain English experts. Their courses are always interesting and valuable. The skills that one receives are not only valuable for your organisation, but for the attendee. They can become 'life skills'. Highly recommended.’ Theresa Khatchian, Ministry of Justice
‘This was an excellent workshop. It exceeded my expectations. The trainer explained complex grammatical rules, and common mistakes, in a clear and easily understood manner.’ Jacki Eves, Gas Industry Company
'I found Karen's style of presenting very relaxed, yet highly informative and helpful. Lots of new ideas to work on and take back to the workplace. Excellent workshop and great to be with people who understand the difficulties of minute writing. Well done!' Allanah Turner — DOC
More testimonials for our Minute Writing course
Training customised for your team You can have a unique training programme customised especially for your organisation.
Contact us to talk about your training needs, dates, and fees. Email Or call us on 04 384 6447 or 0800 4WRITE (0800 497 483).