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Managing Your People
19 & 20 August 2015
Professional Development
Manukau Institute of Technology
Faculty of Business and Information Technology Reception, Floor 2 Corner of Manukau Station Road and Davies Avenue, Manukau
Two Days
8.30am to 4.30pm both days
including GST
Your effectiveness as a manager will always depend heavily on your ability to manage people. Whether you're new to management or you're keen to develop your skills in this area, you'll gain valuable expertise from MIT Business Course Managing Your People.

An experienced industry expert will lead you through group dynamics fundamentals, the differences between leadership and management (and when and how to do each), as well as key skills in managing difficult people and situations. Managing people is key to successful management – make sure you know how.
Who should attend?
Managers or supervisors in larger organisations.

At the end of this MIT Business Course for Corporates, you will:

Understand fundamental management theory
Understand the key requirements of managing groups
Know the difference between management and leadership, and know when to apply each
Have developed a team management action plan
Have explored how to deal with difficult situations and people in the workplace
Understand how to manage a change process
Understand the communication process and how to pull together a communications plan

Training Style
Presented by industry expert
Real-life case studies
Group discussion
Action planning for your business with in-class feedback
Post-course follow-up
In-house option available
Customisable course content

Core Content

Basic Concepts and Theories

Understanding human behaviour
Management theory review
Defining management and leadership
Understanding roles and responsibilities
Project led organisations
Key Tasks

Coaching and mentoring
When to Manage, When to Lead

The management context
The leadership context
Models of leadership
Leading people and teams
Motivating individuals
Motivating teams
Managing Teams

Getting things done through people
Building a team culture
Reward systems
Team dynamics: Building a high performance team
Team building
Developing an innovation culture
Management through systems and objectives
Dealing with Difficult People

Tension and conflicts
A review of stereotypes that can prove difficult to manage
Telling someone off
Being firm but fair
A review of the disciplinary process
Leading Change in Teams

Modern principles of change in organisations
The role of projects in changing organisations
The core components of a successful change process
Using PR and communications in change processes
Understanding Communication

What is communication?
Building rapport
Framing the future
Communication tactics
Negotiation skills
Questioning & listening

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