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Managing Organisational Culture
Dates will be avalible shortly
Professional Development
Victoria University Professional and Executive Development
Level 2, Rutherford House, 23 Lambton Quay, Wellington City
Full Day
9:00am - 4.30pm
Early Bird Discount until 20/09/11 $822.83
Many organisational change efforts fail despite carefully formulated strategies, structures and processes because of a lack of understanding of the organisation's culture. Even if change initiatives do not target the organisational culture directly, they usually require a cultural shift in order to succeed. Culture operates at a deep level of beliefs, assumptions and values, and understanding its complexity is essential for those leading and implementing change. In this one-day course, we explore frameworks for analysing organisational culture, consider why culture is difficult to manage and develop strategies for successfully delivering culture change.

Who Should Attend:
Private and public sector managers who have responsibility for designing and/or implementing initiatives that directly or indirectly involve culture change.

Course Objectives:
Participants will:
* explore frameworks for analysing organisational culture
* consider why culture is difficult to manage
* develop strategies for successfully delivering culture change.

Course Outline:
* What is organisational culture?
* The promise of culture change
* The distinctiveness of organisational culture
* Understanding your organisation's culture
* Artefacts, values, basic assumptions
* Why managing culture is difficult
* Managing organisational culture
* Opportunities for culture change
* Culture management techniques

Course Format:
This is a one-day interactive course.
Dr Todd Bridgman is a lecturer in Organisational Behaviour at the Victoria Management School. He completed his PhD in organisation studies at Judge Business University of Cambridge. Prior to that, he was a lecturer in the Department of Management and Employment Relations at the University of Auckland. Todd has taught executive courses in organisation behaviour at Cambridge and Victoria universities.
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