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Life Code Matrix Navigator Training & Accreditation
Workshop organised to suit interested parties
Professional Development
Innovation Partners Ltd
Workshop facilitated at our training rooms in Waimauku Auckland. Limited to 10 participants. Register interest for workshop times. Workshops can be organised in other regions. Minimum of 8 participants.
Less Than 1 Week
Four day interactive workshop lunch and refreshments provided
Price exclusive GST and in NZ only. Funding plan available.
Life Code Matrix is a unique discovery process that reveals an individual’s authentic strengths based identity and enables them to live from that consciousness.

Becoming an accredited Matrix Navigator gives you the qualifications and licence to facilitate a step by step six hour program that achieves proven results backed by independent published research.

Training is a four day workshop supported by online reminder videos and the Matrix Navigators forum. An ongoing supervision and assessment structure leads to accreditation and certification. Refresher courses, Navigator events, website profiling and a proprietary software program are part of the package.

All prospective candidates must have completed a Life Code Matrix program themselves, prior to doing the training.

Relevant professional materials are part and parcel of the program including the Life Code Matrix book as seen on our website photos.

High quality unique materials are used during the process and full training given on how to use them.

The framework for the program itself is captivating, unique, and enjoyable to learn.

All ages of people can relate to the elements within the program and the practical teaching style showing how it’s done makes it fascinating.

“I have attended many workshops and training days/week ends. The Matrix Navigator training that I did was one of the most well thought out and organised I have ever attended.”

“I found the process itself enormously valuable and the training was clear and comprehensive. The clear explanation, easy to follow notes, and experiential teaching style left me feeling confident to work with others in the Life Code Matrix process.”

“I would recommend the training for any professional working with clients who need a boost to their self-esteem, and people who need to sort out their relationships or work situation because they have become stuck in a negative framework.”

These statements are from 3 people who attended Life Code Matrix Navigator training. They reflect the quality and enjoyment of the learning process!

The steps of the training make sense. The outcome profound!
Add these skills and business opportunities to your toolkit.

Organisations that have used Life Code Matrix include: Drake International, Repair Group, Wise Management, Event Cinemas, Child Youth & Family (New Zealand). PriceWaterhouseCoopers (Sydney), Mattel Inc. (Los Angeles), World Vision (Johannesburg). Hundreds of people have experienced Life Code Matrix on an individual basis.

A highly skilled trainer, business and life coach Cilla has also had a successful career in marketing and business development and has previously been recognised as one of the leading female marketers in Australia.
One of the unusual things she brings to her work is her background, from growing up in a remote part of Papua New Guinea with tribal people. This has contributed to her passion for discovering the uniqueness and wholeness of each person’s identity which led her to design Life Code Matrix. Her focus is training and accrediting Matrix Navigators to enable the benefits of Life Code Matrix to be experienced by as many people as possible.

She is a published author and key note speaker. Currently working on her fifth book.
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