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Life Coaching - Discover Yourself
To be arranged with client
Personal Interest
Self Awareness
Clarity Coaching
on-site for organsiations, otherwise to be confirmed
Avg length is 4-5hrs (half day), depending on number of participants.
Price is per person. Minimum 6 participants, maxi 12. Alternatively, fixed price of $2200.00 for up to 12 people (avg cost per person $183.00).
This workshop is designed to guide participants in a coaching style to find their true self. Without knowing who you are and from which part deep inside you’re coming from, you don’t know how to change your actions. Awareness is the secret to change. Without change we keep operating the way we’ve been operating in the past. If some things in life or at work are not quite working out the way you want it, you will know why this is so by the end of the workshop and who you need to be or what you can do to create new and desired outcomes. You will experience transformation of thoughts, attitudes, actions, and beliefs. Change and you change situations and people around you.
The course is heavily influenced and guided by course participants. The coaching style is based on ‘dancing in the moment’ to support each participant’s personal growth. Therefore, each course has its own flair and style.
The facilitator Gabriele Wehler is the managing director of Clarity Coaching. Gabriele is a certified life coach and a member of the International Coaching Federation. With a background in Business Psychology and a professional background of 15 years in training, consultancy and coaching of individuals and groups, Gabriele combines her passion of working with people with her love of life to help people grow to live a fulfilled and successful life.
As an immigrant from Germany she experienced lots of change in her life and quickly learned how to master it. She believes that life is a journey and that problems are simply opportunities in disguise, presenting us with chances for further growth.
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