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La Fete! Collaborative Theatre Workshop
8 May 2013
Personal Interest
Sally Mabelle Limited
Grey Lynn Community Centre, 501 Richmond Road, Auckland
After Hours
9 weeks - Wednesday evenings 7:30-9:15pm
$150 earlybird price if registered by 24 April , otherwise, $188
* Develop and strengthen your voice, self-expression, and creativity.

* Practice spontaneity and your ability to be flexible and improvise.

* Learn new skills and build your knowledge of the elements, techniques, &

conventions of drama.

* Enjoy collaborating with others to create original theatre pieces

which address the social change issues you most care about.

* Fun and uplifting atmosphere

Session format:
Classes will begin with voice, improvisation, and acting warm-ups followed by group work in devising scenes, incorporating drama elements, conventions, and techniques.

* La Fete! in French means 'party' or 'celebration' and it also is an acronym for
'From Empire To Earth Community'...standing for the shift in consciousness we are experiencing today. By creating original pieces from the material in our own lives, we are celebrating our local community's talents and interests instead of enacting the works of
professional playwrites...we become the creative, collaborative playwrites together. For more background on my philosophy and approach, please read (or listen to) my latest 2 articles/podcast at

work on linked in and a video of Sally in action at

limited places - contact sally at to register
Sally Mabelle

has taught acting and voice at John Casablancas Talent Agency
and worked as a professional actress and singer in the United States before moving to New Zealand in 2004. She has taught Improvisational and Creative Drama to hundreds of students in intermediate and high schools here in Auckland. In 2011, she was named 'Inspirational Speaker of the Year' by the National Speakers' Association of New Zealand. See 75 client testimonials of her work on
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