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JSDC Change Management Project Methodology
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Professional Development
JSD Consulting
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per day, excluding GST. Costs vary depending on group size, materials, project size, preparation etc
As a result of years of manufacturing and retail project experience we built our own Change Management Model - the existing models were either too generic or not specific to the retail environment. We have successfully used this model in numerous project and change management circumstances with tremendous success.

The model is easily explained, easily managed and concentrates effort and resource on ensuring system, people and project interventions are transitioned into a business with the minimum fuss and the maximum efficiency.

Our Retail and FMCG Change Model covers 4 key areas:

Stakeholder Mobilisation - involving the activities that are required to motivate and sustain commitment to the change initiative. This would include describing the requirement for the change in the business and assisting management to lead the process by creating a shared change agenda amongst all staff. This would typically involve interventions such as:
•Strategic Contextualisation to describe the need for the Change
•Change Visualisation to describe the proposed solution to remedy the need
•Leadership Orientation to assist managers to sponsor the Change
•Communication and Involvement to ensure that everyone understands and accepts the proposed solution

Context Alignment – involving the activities required to practically align the day-to-day operational environment to the requirements of the change initiative. This would typically involve interventions such as:
•Process Alignment to align operational processes with the change•Organisation Design to align the organisation structure (if appropriate)
•Business Practices Alignment to introduce the disciplines and business philosophies that underpin effective operation within the new environment
•Role Definition to identify the specific activities that users would be expected to perform in order to operate effectively in the new environment

Personal Mastery – Involving the activities required to assist affected people to optimize their performance in the changed environment. This would typically involve interventions such as:
•Individual Learning to provide the training required to develop individual expertise in the new environment
•Reinforcement and support to provide the on the job coaching and support to assist people to apply their expertise in the real life environment
•Performance Feedback to ensure that people receive the right developmental feedback about their actual performance in the changed environment
•Motivation and Recognition to encourage people to achieve optimal performance in the changed environment (if appropriate)

Change Navigation – involving the activities that are required to monitor the success of the change initiative and also to focus management behaviour on the achievement of anticipated benefits. This would typically involve interventions such as:
•Risk Assessment to assess the people risks that are most likely to undermine the success of the Change
•Change Readiness to determine the propensity and ability of the people to cope with the Change
•Journey Management to identify the logical milestones that must be achieved to ensure on-time and successful delivery
•Benefits Management to establish realistic Dollar value targets and benefits achievement plans to realise the business case associated with the change

Jean du Rand, Director JSDC

Jean has worked in Retail, Wholesale and FMCG for the past 23 years. In this time he has held senior positions in Merchandise, Projects and HR and consults to companies in New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, China and the USA.

His areas of expertise are best described by his accomplishments of the last 10 years. These include the initiation and set up of Africa's first ever B.Comm. Retail degree, the successful completion of numerous Merchandise related projects for retailers and wholesalers, the design and delivery of numerous selling, buying and trading related educational courses for the value chain, and the regular requests for his consultancy both sides of the Tasman. JSDC staff have also worked extensively with organisations to strategically redesign their product divisions to deliver against changing customer expectations. To this end they have designed, built and utilised their own change management toolkit specific to the Retail and Wholesale industry as well as their Manufacturers.

More recent projects have included the design, development and implementation of Buying Schools for retailers in NZ, product launches in the supermarket channel and the development and use of Management Assessment centres for local retail and manufacturing companies.

JSDC employs multiple trainers, researchers and facilitators and their client list includes a great many of the large NZ and Australian based FMCG manufacturers and retailers.
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