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Innovate and Do More with Less
Dates will be avalible shortly
Professional Development
Business Management
Victoria University Professional and Executive Development
Rutherford House, 23 Lambton Quay, Wellington
Full Day
Early Bird Discount until 1/11/11 $719.33
“After all the cutting, to survive you’ll need to innovate”

The challenge in today’s turbulent environment is to unleash the potential of all. Organisations have optimised their workforce, restructured, reorganised, outsourced and are trying to do more with less. So what is missing? The creative and enterprising mindset and how to use the tools of innovation.
In this course you will receive a toolkit to harness the power of innovation and transform your organisation.

Who should attend:
This course is tailored towards senior executives, including Victoria MBA Alumni. It is intended to be relevant across government; including health, business and NGO sectors.

Learning objectives:
• Learn and use the tools to create and connect ideas
• Practise a process to quickly and powerfully screen ideas—to find the difference between an idea and a real opportunity
• Learn to select and use the right innovation tool to grow an organisation—for profit, not-for-profit and in government
• Practise how to package sell or persuade internally and externally—getting a yes!

Course outline:
1. Creative thinking and the enterprising mindset—idea creation
2. Screening and selecting ideas for either cost saving and growth
3. Enterprise strategy—the innovators tool kit
4. Packaging and selling ideas internally and to the marketplace

Course format:
The course format is based on the facilitated discussion method. This approach has been highly successful in achieving positive and constructive ways to introduce and practice creative thinking in your organisation. The group size is a maximum of 20 and includes a cross section of many organisations and industries. The first challenge of the day is to literally stop doing and start thinking!

Marcus Powe PhD ( has been coaching business leaders nationally and internationally for 25 years as they move to the next position in today’s turbulent marketplace. Marcus demonstrates proven creativity, innovation and enterprise development tools and techniques to improve wealth generation and competitive positioning. Marcus works with organisations, industry groups and governments in Australia, Indonesia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam.
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