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How to form quick long lasting relationships with people to get more business
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Professional Development
John Cook Consulting Ltd
Crokers property Mnagement Building 525 Manakau Rd Epsom
Full Time
55 minutes
plus gst
How to form quick long lasting relationships with people to get more business.

It is really important these days in business to have the ability to quickly form relationships that are long lasting.
Many people have very busy lives but some are able to form an almost magical connection with others.
This magical connection leads to opportunities and more business.

In this 1 hour workshop learn
• How to use proven techniques to create easy steps for quicker long lasting business relationships
• What latest neuroscience has shown that is effective is probably opposite to what you currently do
• What you can learn from people magnets
• How to increase your performance by surrounding yourself with people who you click with

John Cook current Vice president national Speakers Association (Auckland) delivers engaging presentations,workshops and keynotes to groups and businesses.

Johns big presence on stage keeps your audience attention , delivers what you want them to know and makes them think.He motivtes people and coaches them processes to think and put those ideas into action immediately.

"We have speakers talk to our club every week and needless to say some fit into the okay category and some fit into the very good category. You on the other hand fit into the EXCEPTIONAL CATEGORY!!..........I have been in the speaking business for some years and have spoken to many groups over the 17 years I ran SMI (a personal development company). I found out what worked on the platform and what didn't by trial and error. You John have got the talent to keep your audiences attention, deliver what you want them to know, make them think, and most of all have them remember you."......Brian Lukacs....

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