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Health and Saftey Management
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Professional Development
Health and Safety
New Zealand Institute of Management
This course is only offered in Auckland
Full Time
Member rate: $1,600.00

Health and Safety Management

"The desire for safety stands against every great and noble enterprise." Tacitus

The purpose of this two-day programme is to provide the knowledge and skills to develop a comprehensive health and safety programme for a chosen workplace, or from that knowledge and skills evaluate an existing health and safety programme by way of an audit in a given workplace.

By working through specific work based examples, you will contribute to completing a comprehensive health and safety programme for your workplace and learn the process for implementing an effective plan through to implementation. You will also learn the very best way to design a detailed process to develop a health and safety audit procedure.

As a key module of the NZIM Diploma in Management (Advanced) - Level 6, this programme is a core programme to start you on your professional development journey to formal and professional academic recognition.

Learning Outcomes

This highly practical two-day programme covers all aspects of Health and Safety Management and encourages candidates to actively participate to get the very most out of the course. This includes working in group exercises, case studies discussions, role-plays and simulations and experiential exercises that are conducted in a relaxed and accepting learning environment.

By achieving the key areas of this programme, participants will be able to:
•Demonstrate knowledge of health and safety requirements for a given workplace including all legislative requirements
•Design a health and safety programme or conduct an audit of an existing health and safety programme
•Formulate a process for the implementation of a health and safety programme or audit
•Document the processes involved in developing or auditing the health and safety programme
•Maintain a health and safety journal on developing the process of developing or auditing a health and safety programme
•Present a report on the health and safety programme to management including an evaluation of a completed project

Gavin Johnson

Gavin Johnson

Gavin is a passionate Health and Safety professional. He facilitates our Health and Safety 2-day workshop and our Health and Safety Diploma.

Gavin developed the Health and Saftey diploma programme in association with NZIM based on the NZ safety management, education and training requirements.

The diploma addresses the business capability for managing health and safety, board governance, employer and principal responsibilities. It also addresses not only “what to do” regarding safety management but the important “how to do it”.

The diploma bridges the gap between what a business practically needs for its health and safety and legislation. It uses legislation as a starting line and progresses it by adding what is good for the business relative to health and safety relevant to the type of work to create a competitive edge.

Question…How can this create a competitive edge? Answer… Because while everybody else is still ticking the compliance boxes and using the ‘one size fits all’ approach the diploma provides the processes to actually manage health and safety to suit your people and your business.

Our diploma has been selected from professionals who currently comprise the leading NZ advisors and practitioners’ on workplace health and safety and systems management in industry, commerce, corporate and legislative areas.
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