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Hands On Web Video & You Tube Workshop
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Professional Development
Grow Your Business
Full Time
10.00am - 6.00pm
Vlogging (Video blogs) and Web video can be one of THE most valuable ways to get your message accross. More and more businesses are using this medium to educate their potential clients and create credibility.

We appreciate that not everyone has hundreds of dollars to spend on a producing web video, so we'd like to show you how to produce your own videos and how to get them picked up by the search engines to help with your google rankings.

FACT: You-Tube is the 2nd biggest search engine worldwide

FACT: Your sales conversion will more than double with effective web video
(50% will take action & 12% will buy as opposed to an average of 1% on text sites)

FACT: Your customers will stay on your site longer if you have web video
(65% will watch a video to completion only 20% will read your entire marketing message on text sites)

FACT: A whopping 68% of people watching online videos pass on to others

FACT: It doesn�t cost thousands to produce an effective video!

Learn how to:

- Utilize You Tube to get your message accross
- Produce your own videos with your own equipment (Good for vlogging or businesses needing several videos)
- Tag for Search Engine Optimisation and get your images on Google
- Presentation skills - How to come accross well on camera
- How to vlog - What is it? Why would you do it? How do you get results?
- The do's and don'ts of web video
- How to set up your own You Tube channel and utilize

Come away with:

- A short web video about your business
- The knowledge to create your own vlog if it's suitable for your business
Lewis Bostock from Bostock Media

Bostock Media specializes in shooting and editing videos that speed up the sales cycle and build a personal relationship with the customer, using techniques, which are unique to the Internet. Growing businesses through the power of online video
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