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Global Health Telesummit: ground-breaking solutions for chronic illness
25 Sep 2011
Health Medical
The Art of Health
Global Online Event
Less Than 1 Week
2 hour teleseminar
Global Health Telesummit FREE INTRODUCTION

A beyond-the-medical approach to chronic illness recovery: a new paradigm in healthcare

Solutions for Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Illness and more

with Kim Knight and Dr Robin Kelly

A beyond-the-medical approach to chronic illness recovery - a new paradigm in healthcare

Ground-breaking mind-body solutions to chronic illness,
with a special focus on chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia,
pain, IBS, depression and more

Kim and Robin will:

Share their stories of recovery from years of chronic fatigue

Share the core answers which they have discovered and which apply no matter what therapy you employ

Explain why, as a result of their own personal journies to find answers, they believe we can all recover from these debilitating conditions - we just need to know where to start

Explain how and why the journey back to health can sometimes seem long and windy, and how there is often a deeper meaning and gift to illness

The focus on the individual - particularly their sensitivities (chemical, emotional and spiritual) and their creative gifts

A focus on beliefs conditioned into us as children and an exploration and understanding of any adverse childhood experiences

Explain how we have to understand that 'over-sensitivity' is a strength rather than a weakness and how we can use this strength for healing

Give an overview of the tips, latest research, technology and therapies on how you can recover without medication from chronic conditions

and much more

Date: Sunday 25th September 2011 (24th in USA/UK)
Venue: Global Online Event – listen live or listen later
Time: 9-11am NZ Time Find your time
Cost: FREE Limited Places, register now!

To register: Online at

The introductory event will be followed by a 6 week Global Telesummit featuring 9 world experts who are implementing the
latest mind-body strategies for chronic illness.

• Dr James Wilson ND PhD, author of ‘Adrenal Fatigue, 21st Century Syndrome’
• Richard Flook, NLP practitioner and founder of Meta Medicine (Canada / UK)
• Dr David Mickel, medical doctor, Eriksonian Therapist and founder of Mickel Therapy (UK)
• Gail Matthew, Herbalist and Naturopath (NZ)
• Mel Abbott, Lightening Therapist, NLP practitioner and Hypnotherapist (NZ)
• Kyle Davies, Chartered Psychologist, Ericksonian Psychotherapist, NLP, TFT, CBT counsellor (UK)
• David Holden, Naturopath, Iridologist and Biochemist (NZ)
• Niki Gratrix, Nutritional Therapist and CFS/ME expert (UK)
• Kim Knight, CFS/Stress/EQ specialist, Mickel Therapist and Qi Gong teacher

Full info

For anyone not yet familiar with teleseminars,
these are seminars conducted over the phone and web.
You can listen in live via your computer or dial in by phone.

Whether you attend live or not, calls are accessible
after the event online or as an MP3 to listen to at your leisure.
Kim Knight, Director of the Art of Health, will be speaking with
Dr Robin Kelly MD. Robin experienced 10 years of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia and knows first-hand the frustrations of this debilitating illness.

Dr Kelly has the skills and perspective of being both a medical doctor and traditional Chinese medical practitioner.
He is the author of 3 ground-breaking books on
new medical approaches for the 21st century.

Kim also journeyed through several years of chronic fatigue
and now teaches emotional intelligence, stress management
and recovery from chronic illness without medication.
She is currently a finalist in the NEXT NZ Magazine
Woman of the Year awards for innovations in health and science.
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