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Full Board Governance Transformation
Any days of your choosing
Professional Development
BoardClarity Ltd Governance Specialists
Delivered in your boardroom or a venue of your choosing. If travel is required we will work with you to schedule dates & times that minimise travel & accommodation expenses.
Two Days
Plus pre-reading, interviews & coaching
per person (inc guides, interviews & coaching)
Governance Training Workshops & Mentoring
At BoardClarity we regularly conduct board governance training workshops in New Zealand and soon Australia to help boards and trusts become more effective.
– Most workshops are held in-house so emphasis can be put on your board’s particular needs and you have the privacy you need to discuss sensitive board business.
– Our preference is to train the entire board because this achieves the best results. However we realise this is not always possible so are flexible about this requirement.
– There are generally 10-15 participants per workshop to maximise interaction between participants and with the facilitator.
– Each in-house workshop is followed by a few hours of free coaching to ensure the new learning is put into practice.
– Workshop location and duration are negotiable
We also hold two public Governance Essentials board training workshops per year in Wellington and Christchurch to train individual board members, aspiring board members, board funders and board advisors.

Is your board clear about its role? Do you want to ensure you are working at a strategic level and letting the general manager manage? This introductory workshop will give you new knowledge and ideas about how to improve the performance of your board using an approach known as Policy Governance®. Recognised as international best practice and referenced by key NZ Government funding agencies, Policy Governance will provide you with a system to radically improve your board’s performance. This workshop will provide you with a clear understanding of how this approach can add to your board and enough information to work as a board to start putting it into practice straight away.

You’ll learn:
– The principles of Policy Governance®
– How to achieve clarity of purpose
– Ways to clarify the governance role through understanding who the board is accountable to
– How to manage risk while empowering the CEO
– How to be more effective as a board through implementing clear practices
– Steps to take in adopting this approach
Governance Training Workshops & MentoringAt BoardClarity we regularly conduct board governance training workshops in New Zealand and soon Australia to help boards and trusts become more effective.

– Most workshops are held in-house so emphasis can be put on your board’s particular needs and you have the privacy you need to discuss sensitive board business.
– Our preference is to train the entire board because this achieves the best results. However we realise this is not always possible so are flexible about this requirement.
– There are generally 10-15 participants per workshop to maximise interaction between participants and with the facilitator.
– Each in-house workshop is followed by a few hours of free coaching to ensure the new learning is put into practice.
– Workshop location and duration are negotiable
We also hold two public Governance Essentials board training workshops per year in Wellington and Christchurch to train individual board members, aspiring board members, board funders and board advisors.

Is your board clear about its role? Do you want to ensure you are working at a strategic level and letting the general manager manage? This introductory workshop will give you new knowledge and ideas about how to improve the performance of your board using an approach known as Policy Governance®. Recognised as international best practice and referenced by key NZ Government funding agencies, Policy Governance will provide you with a system to radically improve your board’s performance. This workshop will provide you with a clear understanding of how this approach can add to your board and enough information to work as a board to start putting it into practice straight away.

You’ll learn:
– The principles of Policy Governance®
– How to achieve clarity of purpose
– Ways to clarify the governance role through understanding who the board is accountable to
– How to manage risk while empowering the CEO
– How to be more effective as a board through implementing clear practices
– Steps to take in adopting this approach

Quotes from previous workshops:

“Great concept that will add benefits to our organisation, will make our role (board) more interesting and purer”

“Templates provided were awesome”

“Thanks for your input and support, I hope the board decides to run with it as it will give us so much certainty”

“Personally if the board didn’t go down this path I will seriously consider whether I want to continue”

“As part of my training, I was required to observe the finest facilitators in the world. My experience with you two was wonderful.  What I thought would be a boring, dry seminar turned out to be a very informative and enjoyable experience.”
Sandy Brinsdon MPH (Otago) MInstD
I am an active member of the Institute of Directors and served on the Institute’s Christchurch committee for six years. I am one of only half a dozen New Zealanders to have completed the Institutes’ Certificate in Company Direction and the Policy Governance® Academy in Atlanta, USA run by John Carver. I have also spoken internationally on Policy Governance. When not teaching policy governance, I sit on and chair a number of not-for-profit boards. Before moving into the governance area I spent 15 years in senior roles in the health sector after completing a Masters degree in Public Health. This has provided me with an invaluable insight into policy development and funding systems.

Cam Brinsdon BCom (Otago) , AFHRINZ
I am an Associate Fellow and professionally accredited member of the Human Resources Institute of New Zealand (HRINZ). I have extensive experience at senior management level in organisational development and change management gained from working with organisations such as EDS (now HP) and PricewaterhouseCoopers. This has proved valuable to boards in many ways. I am also a company director, and NGO board member.

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