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Foundations for Effective Supervision Stage 1-Maximising Myself
new dates will be avalible shortly
Professional Development
EMA Learning
This course is only available in Auckland
Less Than 1 Week
Three Full Consecutive Days
This is EMAs Non-Member rate, please contact for member rate
Whether you're called a team leader, supervisor or manager - if you're looking for a course that gives you the founding leadership tools and prime personal coping skills, this course is for you. You'll learn that today's leader needs to adopt different behaviours to meet specific circumstances, and how to cope when employees don't always do what they're supposed to do. We'll give you some models to make decision-making easier, and you'll see how to manage your own personal time so that you spend as much of your day working on important things, delegating simpler tasks off to others to do. We'll help you curb and tame that monster time-waster… Meetings!
Steve Punter-STA Training
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