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 Facilitation Skills
13 May 2014
Professional Development
New Zealand Institute of Management
4th Floor, Phillips Fox Tower, 209 Queen St, Auckland, CBD
Two Days
13th - 14th May 2014
for members and $1400.00

The facilitator’s role is to ensure productive group processes, whether it’s brainstorming a new idea or discussing the latest staff survey results, the facilitator has a role to lead, question, define, challenge and navigate the group to solutions that are better than the sum of the individuals. If you lead groups Facilitation Skills is an essential programme to ensure you are maximising the performance of the team.


From functional, project or workshop managers to leaders of senior business teams this programme will give you the skills to facilitate with confidence.


On successful completion of this programme, it is expected you will have the tools to be able to:

Prepare for a successful facilitation process
Choose appropriate facilitation techniques based on the group and the subject
Understand how groups work and the impact this has on successful facilitation
Use appropriate communication skills within the facilitation environment
Choose the appropriate leadership and managerial competencies to facilitate effectively
Handle common facilitation problems
Identify appropriate strategies for dealing with actual and potential conflict within the group
Choose an effective decision making process
Gain participant commitment to outcomes
Operate as a successful facilitator
NZIM Qualified Facilitator
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