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Facilitation Skills
4 Nov 2013
Professional Development
Career Development
New Zealand Institute of Management
This course is only offered in Aukland
Two Days
4 - 5 November 2013
Member rate: $1,200.00
The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership." Booker T Washington

The facilitator’s role is to ensure productive group processes, whether it’s brainstorming a new idea or discussing the latest staff survey results, the facilitator has a role to lead, question, define, challenge and navigate the group to solutions that are better than the sum of the individuals. If you lead groups Facilitation Skills is an essential programme to ensure you are maximising the performance of the team. From functional, project or workshop managers to leaders of senior business teams this programme will give you the skills to facilitate with confidence.

As a key module of the National Certificate in Adult Education and Training - Level 4, this programme is a core programme to start you on your professional development journey to formal and professional academic recognition.

For a clear one page view on how this qualificiation is made up - CLICK HERE

Learning Outcomes

During these two days, you will be encouraged to participate, debate, develop creative ideas and practice so that you will develop confidence to transform knowledge and inspiration into winning performance.

By achieving the key areas of this programme, participants will be able to:
•Prepare for a successful facilitation process
•Choose appropriate facilitation techniques based on the group and the subject
•Understand how groups work and the impact this has on successful facilitation
•Use appropriate communication skills within the facilitation environment
•Choose the appropriate leadership and managerial competencies to facilitate effectively
•Handle common facilitation problems
•Identify appropriate strategies for dealing with actual and potential conflict within the group
•Choose an effective decision making process
•Gain participant commitment to outcomes
•Operate as a successful facilitator

Lee Astridge

Lee Astridge
Lee is the founder and principle consultant of two businesses that specialise in human resource management, recruitment and leadership development.

Her training, facilitation and conference speaking expertise spans leadership, management, strategic planning and Human Resources through to sales, marketing and customer service.Lee is a professional member of the New Zealand Institute of Management and the Human Resources Institute of New Zealand.

Over the last 15 years she has built a reputation as a motivational facilitator who enables participants to extend both their knowledge and experience in her workshops.No8HR works within the agribusiness sector and operates in both New Zealand and Australia; People4Success is a Waikato-based business servicing the SME market.

Prior to returning to New Zealand in 1998, Lee worked in the corporate sector in senior HR roles in the UK. Her extensive international and New Zealand experience position her well to deliver high performance outcomes at both an individual and business level. She is passionate and committed to helping people in business achieve their professional and business goals.

Lee has written a book, ‘Competence and Commitment’ which helps managers at all levels in organisations to make the right management and leadership behaviour decisions.


Saskia Knibbeler

Saskia Knibbeler
Saskia is a creative and dynamic facilitator who enjoys bringing out the best of groups and individuals.

Saskia specialises in facilitating soft skills such as interpersonal communication skills, conflict resolution, rapport building, emotional intelligence and presentation skills. Her style of facilitation is designed to encourage and inspire participants to exceed their own expectations.

Her strength is her creative approach to making technical and specialist information understandable and accessible to the course participants. She combines training with story-telling, humour, visual media and interaction to create an engaging learning environment.

Her various long and short-term work contracts as a consultant has given her a solid background as a Human Resource generalist, having worked in areas at all levels, including public sector Chief Executive recruitment and remuneration.

Saskia’s expertise includes training design, development and facilitation for the private and public sector. She has experience in the creation of e-Learning modules through managing relationships between subject matter experts and e-Learning providers. She is accredited in Targeted Selection Interviewing and Belbin Team Roles.

The programmes she runs for NZIM include:

Interpersonal communication skills

Frontline customer service

Persuasion and motivation

Presentation skills

Train the Trainer

Mind mapping and power reading

Problem solving and decision making, and

Accelerated learning

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