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Executive Coaching
To be arranged with client
Professional Development
Coaching / Mentoring
Institute for Strategic Leadership
To suit the needs of the client
Dependant on the type of coaching and duration
Please see our website or enquire to get more information about the following types of coaching offered by ISL:

CEO Coaching
Ongoing Executive Coaching
Team Coaching
1st 100 Day Coaching
Strategy Coaching
Lifestyle Coaching
Career Coaching
Business Mentoring
Our executive and stategy coaches are experienced professionals who adapt to your needs.

ISL believes that effective coaching can occur in the context of an ongoing relationship embracing mutual honesty, trust, and respect.

ISL coaches are highly skilled professionals with years of experience. They are mature people with strong educational and professional backgrounds who have considerable experience working with and relating to CEO's and executives. Our rigorous selection criteria and training guarantee that you will be partnered with a coach who understands your issues and shares your values.

Our coaches are by no means all alike, but they possess a common body of qualifications and capabilities. All have earned degrees (most hold masters degrees in psychology) and all have significant business knowledge. They possess a diversity of experience and style that allow for flexible matches between our coaches and participants. Well-schooled in the use of assessment and feedback techniques, they have demonstrated competence with learning theories and the dynamics of change processes. Our coaches are flexible about adapting to their client's busy schedule, and share a code of professionalism; one that ensures complete confidentiality of their client's experience.
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