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Essentials for Extraordinary Leadership Workshop
To be arranged with client
Professional Development
Jenny Devine
Course location varies according to needs of client.
Two Days
The creation and development of the Essentials for Extraordinary Leadership Workshop is based on the premise that the world is in desperate need of a new breed of leaders; leaders who understand that their actions and relationships in the external world are directly equivalent to the quality and power of the internal relationship they have forged with themselves.
Those who are engaged in the on-going process of inner/personal development work are able to understand and demonstrate that mastery of the internal world (even at a beginning level) equates to an increasingly powerful, intelligent and resilient presence in the external world. Those who remain ignorant of the mechanics, processes and interrelationships of their inner (psychological, intellectual and emotional) world are highly vulnerable in the sense that they are at risk of being sabotaged by internal processes they are not even aware of and external forces they are unprepared for or are unable to perceive accurately.
It is often presumed that personal insight and wisdom is gained primarily with “time” and “experience” and that leaders will develop these naturally as they mature into their roles. Subsequently, management training is usually focused specifically on the external demands of leadership. Yet the complex and immediate demands of leading organisations in the twenty-first century require that successful individuals are required to demonstrate some degree of self mastery immediately. To be most effective in interacting with and motivating others, they must have awareness and insight into their own thought processes, emotional responses and behavioural patterns. This is key to the development of self aware, well rounded, resilient and consistent leaders; in other words, leaders of integrity.
Key Objective
The key objective of the Essentials for Extraordinary Leadership Workshop is that:
• Participants will gain understanding and insight into their own internal (psychological, intellectual and emotional) processes and how these inner processes profoundly affect all aspects of their human functioning.
• Participants will learn new concepts, models and tools that will enable them to make changes which enhance their level of personal insight, awareness and acceptance as well as strengthening their level of resilience
• Participants will develop ability to more effectively and easily lead and inspire employees or teams, through enhanced communication skills, understanding of interpersonal dynamics and modelling of desired kinds and quality of interactions.
Organisational Outcomes:
Post workshop the organisation can expect a group of leaders who contribute significantly to the organisation in the following ways:
• Stronger, resilient, more objective and impartial leadership
• Alignment with the company’s vision and values
• Enhanced self confidence and more perceptive and effective communication skills
• Greater loyalty and desire to contribute to organisation’ success resulting in greater motivation and increased productivity

Participant outcomes:
Participants will:
• Create a strong inner foundation for becoming the leaders they want to be
• Reclaim their personal power and resilience by gaining new insight into their own internal (psychological, intellectual and emotional) processes
• Identify and shift any areas of their life that are out of alignment with their own personal integrity
• Operate with the utmost level of responsibility in their daily communications, interactions and behaviours
• Create a vision of who they desire to be as a leader, and prepare themselves to realize the transformation through goal setting, planning and consistent, positive action
• Believe in their potential strongly enough to give up the habits, patterns and leadership styles that they have previously known, in order to develop into the leader they choose to become

The workshop is an intensive two day journey into the meanings and practices of extraordinary leadership. It draws upon a variety of processes and methodologies to ensure maximum client impact. These include: facilitator driven concept presentations, group discussion and brainstorming, partnered and group sharing, guided imagery, workbook note-taking and journaling, vision mapping, self monitoring and self-tracking tools.
Jenny Devine is a Certified Integrative Coach trained by Debbie Ford at the Ford Institute for Integrative Coaching. She has an M.A. in Consciousness Studies and is a certifed Kripalu yoga teacher.
Jenny is credentaialled by the International Coach Federation and is the current education co-ordinator for the NZ ICF Northern branch.

After studying in New York for over five years Jenny returned to New Zealand in 2009 to establish her own coaching and facilitation business. She has a background in the NZ health system where she co-founded the health consultancy comapny Harper Devine Ltd which carried out a range of leadership projects for health providers.
Prior to that she spent 10 years leading and managing within the NZ health sytem.

Jenny has been married to Stu for 22 years and has two sons.
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