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Engaging Effectively with Your Stakeholders
20 Aug 2014
Professional Development
Victoria University Professional and Executive Development
Level 2, Rutherford House, 23 Lambton Quay, Wellington City
Full Day
9:00am - 4.30pm
Victoria University Staff 15% Discount Fee $590.75 excl GST
Organisations are increasingly expected to engage with their stakeholders. However there is more to engaging with your stakeholders than having a communication plan, holding liaison meetings, having representatives on your advisory boards and consulting on important developments. In fact many methods, including consultation, are now contributing to disengagement.
This practical workshop will introduce you to contemporary thinking on stakeholder engagement, give you the tools to map and manage your stakeholder relationships and assist you in developing an actionable and measurable engagement strategy. You will leave the workshop with a "plan on a page" for more effectively engaging with two of your key stakeholders.

Who Should Attend:
This course is for:
* Managers and team leaders
* Relationship and key account managers
* Communication and public relations professionals
* Policy analysts and advisors
* Anyone who is concerned about developing more effective stakeholder relationships

Course Objectives:
* Understand what stakeholder engagement is and how it differs from other forms of relationship management Identify when to use this approach and the benefits
* Identify your key stakeholders and undertake an audit of at least two relationships
* Identify and evaluate a range of actions that can be used to build stakeholder engagement
* Develop a customised stakeholder engagement strategy for two key stakeholders.

Course Outline:
* Why is stakeholder engagement important? - the contemporary challenges facing organisations in working with stakeholders.
* Untangling the language - in search of a definition. Bring clarity by teasing out the modes for working with stakeholders: representation, liaison, managing, consulting and engagement.
* Mapping your stakeholders - begin to use the 6F Toolkit to map and evaluate your stakeholders.
* Auditing your stakeholders - use the 6F questionnaire to evaluate two key stakeholder relationships against 6 factors that are present in effective stakeholder relationships.
* Effective approaches to building engagement - develop a list of approaches that can be used to build engaged relationships.
* Writing a Stakeholder Engagement Strategy - begin writing a "plan on a page" for two selected key stakeholders.

Course Format:
This intensive one-day workshop will introduce you to contemporary thinking in the field of stakeholder engagement. You will work in small groups with plenty of interaction. You will use the tools in the 6F Toolkit to identify and assess your key stakeholders and develop "plans on a page" for two of your key stakeholders. Ideally where there are a number of participants from the same organisation you will work together when writing your engagement plans.
You will be given comprehensive notes and the 6F Toolkit.

Geoff Pearman, MA(Hons 1st), BA, Dip SWk, Cert Contg Ed, Lth.

Geoff is an experienced manager, trainer and facilitator, recognised for his strategic and future thinking skills, his ability to initiate and implement complex organisational change and to develop innovative approaches to programme and service delivery.
He has worked in university, government and human services sectors. He is currently working in the field of organisational and workforce development and is contracted to a major government agency having developed their workforce capability strategy. He is also consulting with a number of clients using engagement approaches to inform strategic developments. In 2005 he received a prestigious fellowship to investigate stakeholder engagement in the USA. He has spoken at a number of conferences and has run workshops on stakeholder engagement. Geoff is regarded as a thought leader in the field of stakeholder engagement and has recently developed the 6F Toolkit.
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