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Emotional Mastery - Wellington
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The Art of Health
Museum Hotel Cable St Wellington
Full Day
$170 Earlybird by 20 May, $190 from 21 May, $225 on door
Full Day Workshop

Saturday 26 June 2010 10am-4.30pm


Most of us experience emotions, both positive and negative. From a Taoist perspective, negative emotions drain our energy and if left unresolved can build up to become illness. Dis-ease becomes disease as the emotions literally get lodged in our cells and organs. The Qi Gong exercises and meditations of the Universal Tao allow you to clear these emotions so that you can experience greater peace and good health.

Workshop Content:

During this seminar you will learn:
Exactly where emotions are stored in your body and which are organs are affected by each different emotion
Where exactly the 'virtuous' energies such as love, kindness, gentleness, patience, trust and courage are stored in your body, waiting to be experienced and shared with others
How to deal with negative emotions in minutes rather than having them hang around for days, weeks or months.

During this seminar we will practise the following Qi Gong exercises:
Warm Up Qi Gong exercises to open Qi flow, stretch the spine and loosen the joints
The Inner Smile to easily and effectively clear negative emotions stored from the organs and thus prevent them building up to illness
The Six Healing Sounds to clear your organs of physical toxins and emotional charges
Bone Breathing Qi Gong to deeply relax all the muscles in the body, calm the nervous system and promote deep sleep
By the end of this seminar you wil have a much greater understanding of how our emotions affect our overall health and what you can do to keep them from building up to become stress and illness.

Where: Museum Hotel, 90 Cable St, Te Aro, Central Wellington
When: Saturday 26 June 2010 10am-4.30pm
To register: Follow the instructions on the Eventbrite website.

If you are having any difficulties, please contact Art of Health directly:
By email: info "at"
By phone: 0064 9 833 6553
For more details see
About the facilitator:

Kim Knight has been researching and living in the field of natural healing for over 20 years.She is passionate about sharing this knowledge and techniques with others so that they have the ability to look after their own health and wellbeing.
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