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Effective Persuasion and Influence
16 & 17 June 2015
Professional Development
Performance Management
Manukau Institute of Technology
Faculty of Business and Information Technology Reception, Floor 2 Corner of Manukau Station Road and Davies Avenue, Manukau
Two Days
8.30am to 4.30pm both days
including GST
Persuasion and influence are important communication skills in the business arena. In Effective Persuasion and Influence, a hands-on two-day MIT Business Course, you’ll learn to bring these effective tools to bear in your own work situation.

An experienced industry professional will train you in influencing styles and persuasion techniques, understand the character traits of persuasive people, and you will come away able to negotiate and manage relationships with confidence. Learn these essential skills today.

Who should attend?

Managers and supervisors in larger organisations.


At the end of this MIT Business Course for Corporates, you will:

* Recognise the theories relating to persuasion and influence
* Describe persuasion and influencing character traits and compare and contrast their merits
* Recognise the persuasion process and formulate a strategy to influence a situation
* Confidently apply persuasion techniques
* Prepare a relationship management plan
* Employ techniques to win a negotiation
* In-house option available
* Customisable course content

Training Style

* Presented by industry expert
* Real-life case studies
* Group discussion
* Action planning for your business with in-class feedback
* Post-course follow-up

Core Content

Theory Review

* Traits
* Social influence
* Rational model
* Power basis
* Game theory
* Emotional intelligence

Character Traits

* Listening
* Communication styles
* Assertiveness
* Non-verbal traits

Influencing Style

* The influence process
* Influencing styles
* Your preferred influencing style
* Assessing someone else’s style
* Develop an influencing strategy
* Listening to enhance the influencing process


* Persuasion techniques
* Reason and logic
* Closing a deal
* Questioning and listening

Relationship Management

* What is relationship management?
* Building trust relationships
* Identifying and using your power base
* Being assertive without damaging a relationship
* Power games
* Techniques for relationship management


* The bargaining process
* Negotiation tactics
* Dealing with aggression
* Other blocking tactics
* Developing a negotiation strategy
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