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Editing & Proofreading: Getting it Right
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Professional Development
Literacy / Numeracy
Victoria University Professional and Executive Development
Victoria University Professional and Executive Development Level 2, Rutherford House, 23 Lambton Quay, Wellington City
Full Day
9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Editing and proofreading are critical parts of the writing process. Thorough editing and proofreading ensure error-free, professional work that is clear and credible.

Who Should Attend:
This workshop is suitable for anyone who wishes to produce error-free, professional writing - whether they are editing and proofreading their own or others' work.

Course Objectives:

•Gain an overview of effective business writing and modern rules of grammar and punctuation
•Develop a structured editing and proofreading process that you can apply to all business documents
•Practise editing your own and others' work.
Course Outline:

•Introducing editing
•What is editing?
•Writing is a process
•Process and practice
•Stage One: read, think, and consult
•Stage Two: edit for purpose, content, and structure
•Stage Three: delete surplus words, phrases, and sentences
•Stage Four: edit for details of style and tone
•Using your computer
•Readability statistics
•Just for interest

•Introducing proofreading
•What is proofreading? Why do we proofread?
•Where does editing finish and proofreading begin?
•The stages of the writing process
•Successful proofreading
•Process and practice
•Proofreading in stages
•Using your computer
•Creating a style sheet
•Inserting the symbols
•The proofreading symbols: hash, cap, stet and em
•Proofreading pitfalls
Course Format:
In this full-day workshop, participants complete exercises and activities and take home a workbook for future reference.

Further Details:
If you would like more information about this programme, please contact us on:
Ph: 64 4 463 6556 Fax: 64 4 463 6550 Email:

Customised Workshops:
Victoria Professional and Executive Development are able to customise many of our workshops to meet specific individual or organisational requirements. Please contact us for further information.
Karen Commons is a business writing trainer and plain English specialist at Write Limited. She has taught business English in Paris and London and worked with highly specialised sectors of the business community. Karen is also a learning adviser at Victoria University, where she develops programmes for international students.

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