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Designing for Learning
12 - 13 June, 2012
Professional Development
Institute for Learning Practitioners
TBA - Auckland
Two Days
Program Structure - Preparation (minimal) + 2-day workshop + Learning Transfer + Application Story
Price quoted is in Aust dollars. Discount price for ILP & NZATD Members is A$880.
The Designing for Learning program is based on unique research conducted by Professor Sylvia Downs at the Industrial Training Research Unit, University College London, and subsequently at the Occupational Research Unit at the University of Wales, Institute of Science and Technology. Her initial focus was on identifying ways to help individuals improve their learning, especially to cope with change in the workplace.

Sylvia subsequently investigated why some trainers were more effective than others and what factors were blocking learning. Based on her research, she developed highly practical models and techniques that simplify training design and maximise learning.

Key Components of the Workshop
• The MUD Model of learning methods/strategies.
• When errors are helpful in learning and when they are not.
• The important distinction between learning skills and learning styles.
• How to identify the learning needs inherent in jobs or tasks.
• The need for trainers to ‘trigger’ specific learning processes.
• The difference between input, process and output methods of training.
• Key criteria for selecting appropriate training methods.
• How to match training methods to what needs to be learnt.
• A simple yet highly effective method for gathering ideas from a group.
• Why blindly following adult learning principles is dangerous.
• How to improve the predictability of learning outcomes.
• Practical ways of increasing learner engagement and retention.
• Seven ‘Keys to Understanding’ (types of questions).
• How to use the ‘Bucket Model’ to develop understanding.
• Techniques for helping people learn procedures and processes.
• Use of the ThIRST Model to design training sessions/activities.
• How training can inadvertently block learning and how to avoid this.

The Designing for Learning workshop models the ‘productive learning’ principles and methods that are the focus of the training.

Who Will Benefit?
Anyone responsible for procuring, designing, delivering, recommending or evaluating training.

Designing for Learning is loaded with take-home value. You will receive research findings, innovative concepts, new methods, useful examples, shared insights, practical models/tools, and sample materials… and more. The program provides a ‘hands-on’ understanding of how to design and deliver training that is impactful, enjoyable, and effective – training that leverages-up learning for maximum effect. It will stimulate and challenge your thinking about training and provide you with proven techniques that guarantee learning.
Geoff Rip

Geoff has extensive experience in the provision of consulting and training services to major private and public sector organisations. He is well known for designing innovative and highly effective training programs and performance improvement tools.

Geoff also has a reputation as a talented facilitator. He believes that learning should be stimulating, enjoyable and enriched by humour.
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