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Critical Approaches to Organisational Culture Change in the Public Sector
21 Nov 2013
Professional Development
Victoria University Professional and Executive Development
Victoria University Professional and Executive Development Level 2, Rutherford House, 23 Lambton Quay, Wellington City
Full Day
9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Early Bird Discount available until 28 days prior to the course start date $715.50 excl GST
Many public sector organisational change efforts fail despite carefully formulated strategies, structures and processes because of a lack of understanding of the organisation’s culture. Even if change initiatives do not target the organisational culture directly, they usually require a cultural shift in order to succeed. Culture operates at a deep level of beliefs, assumptions and values, and understanding its complexity is essential for those leading and implementing change.

In this one-day course, we explore frameworks for analysing organisational culture, consider why culture is difficult to manage and develop strategies for successfully delivering culture change in the public sector.

Who should attend:
Private and public sector managers who have responsibility for designing and/or implementing initiatives that directly or indirectly involve culture change.

Learning objectives:
Participants will:

•explore frameworks for analysing organisational culture
•consider why culture is difficult to manage
•develop strategies for successfully delivering culture change.
Course outline:
Further information to come.

Course format:
This is a one-day interactive course with a maximum of 16 participants.

Further Details:
If you would like more information about this programme, please contact us on:
Ph: 64 4 463 6556 Fax: 64 4 463 6550 Email:

Customised Workshops:
Victoria Professional and Executive Development are able to customise many of our workshops to meet specific individual or organisational requirements. Please contact us for further information.
Dr Todd Bridgman is a senior lecturer in Organisational Behaviour at the School of Management, Victoria Business School. He completed his PhD in organisation studies at Judge Business University of Cambridge. Todd teaches courses on leadership and culture change in Victoria’s Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Public Management (MPM) programmes and has authored a number of popular teaching cases on public sector change.

“The topic, facilitator and participants of this course were intellectually stimulating and provided an excellent theoretical grounding to put into practice. The facilitator responded well to the demands of the course participants, who were highly competent and assertive. This course motivated me to think critically about my role in managing change”
Course Participant, October 2011

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