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Creating Environments for Ethical Behaviour in the State Sector
4 Oct 2013
Professional Development
Creative Thinking/Problem Solving
Victoria University Professional and Executive Development
Victoria University Professional and Executive Development Level 2, Rutherford House, 23 Lambton Quay, Wellington City
Full Day
9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Early Bird Discount available until 28 days prior to the course start date $607.50 excl GST
You are responsible for ensuring that others - whether they are your staff or people in other teams - comply with the State Sector Code of Conduct. You are used to managing risk, but how do you manage the risk posed by unethical behaviour from those for whom you are managerially or professionally responsible?

This course will provide tools and techniques for creating and maintaining an environment that promotes sound ethical judgement.

Who Should Attend:
New and experienced frontline and mid-level State Sector managers who are conversant with the State Sector Code of Conduct and who are confident in their own conduct but who wish to create organisational habitats that support their staff to act ethically.

Professional advisors or managers who have professional obligations to ensure that others act ethically - for example, certified accountants who oversee budgets managed by others.

It is expected that participants are familiar with the State Sector Code of Conduct prior to the course.

Learning Objectives:
By the end of this course participants will have:

•reacquainted themselves with the State Sector Code of Conduct
•understood the broader context of ethics within the New Zealand State Sector
•attained a deeper understanding and personal appreciation for the concept of personal and organisational integrity
•understood the management influences that guide staff behaviour
•developed a range of techniques to promote and encourage ethical behaviour from others for whom they bear responsibility - either managerial or professional.
Course Outline:

•Brief review of the State Sector Code of Conduct (The expectation is that you will be very familiar with this before you arrive).
•Discuss the underlying principles of the Code of Conduct including the public interest.
•Discuss the nature of integrity.
•The practice of ethics.
•Develop of techniques for ethical behaviour.
Course Format:
This course is highly interactive. You will be expected to bring and share your experiences in a safe, secure, non-judgmental, environment. While the whole State Sector Code of Conduct is open for discussion, emphasis will be placed on management responsibilities for staff behaviour and on managing ethical behaviour of others in relation to financial stewardship.

Group size will be limited to 15 so that participants leave with practical tools and techniques that they can implement immediately with their staff.

There will be minimal use of PowerPoint, a minimum of course materials, and a lack of emphasis on taking notes. The purpose of this course is for participants to walk away with simple and immediately implementable techniques.

Further Details:
If you would like more information about this programme, please contact us on:
Ph: 64 4 463 6556 Fax: 64 4 463 6550 Email:

Customised Workshops:
Victoria Professional and Executive Development are able to customise many of our workshops to meet specific individual or organisational requirements. Please contact us for further information.
Dr. Russell Harding has had extensive experience in the New Zealand and United States government sectors. He has also taught public sector ethics in the Hadfield School of Government at Portland State University and in the School of Government at Victoria University of Wellington. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from the University of Waikato and Master of Public Policy and PhD in Public Administration from Victoria.

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