Changes to the Health and Safety Legislation and its Impact on your Business
21 Jul 2014
Professional Development
Health and Safety
Bedrock Solutions Ltd
Dunedin venue to be confirmed
Full Day 8.30am to 4.30pm
Overview: This workshop takes an in-depth look at the proposed changes to the health and safety legislation and the ramifications to your business. The Health and Safety Reform Bill has followed the work of the Independent Taskforce on Health and Safety and the Royal Commission on the Pike River Coal Mine Tragedy. The new legislation is expected to be in place early 2015.
Learning outcomes: The learning outcomes include: • key parts of the workplace health and safety reforms • responsibilities for workplace health and safety including directors’ duties • penalties and enforcement tools under the new regime • changes for worker participation • practical methods on incorporating these changes into your existing system
Who should attend: Members of health and safety committees; supervisors; managers and anyone with an interest in health and safety.