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Change Management
2 Sep 2013
Professional Development
New Zealand Institute of Management
This course is only offered in Auckland
Two Days
2 - 3 September
Member rate: $2,000.00

Change Management

"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves" Victor Frankl

This executive short course offers solutions for organisations whose aim it is to manage successful change in today's workplace environment through contemplating change, minimising risks when planning change and successfully implementing change.

As a key module of the NZIM Diploma in Management (Advanced) - Level 6, this programme is designed for middle and senior managers involved in strategy, planning or implementing change. Also ideal for candidates in a project management role.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the Change Management programme you will have the tools to understand and act upon the different types of strategic change, identify strategies that manage change effectively and be able to diagnose and examine the need for strategic change. You will be able to manage the strategic change process and the interests of stakeholders to develop processes that enable organisations and the people in them to embrace and promote positive change.

By achieving the key areas of this programme, participants will be able to:
•Demonstrate knowledge of change management within organisations
•Explain why change may be necessary in a business operation with reference to both external and internal forces
•Describe factors that will influence the way individuals and or groups respond to change and the reasons for their influence
•Describe and evaluate standard approaches to change, including incremental and deliberate change
•Describe and evaluate models of actively managing a change process effectively, including the role of a change agent
•Develop strategies to enable organisations and people to overcome resistance and embrace change in a positive light
•Analyse an actual change process within an organisation and evaluate its effectiveness in meeting its goals

Cindy Lincoln

Cindy Lincoln

Cindy is the Director of Strategic People Management Limited, established 2001 and the Director of Cerito Limited - a strategic change consultancy established 2010.

Cindy’s expertise and enthusiasm for strategy and change management is evident in her client engagement activities. Having past experience in general management as well as strategic planning and managing change ensures Cindy has a pragmatic approach whether consulting or facilitating workshops.

Cindy has a breadth of industry experience spanning the health sector (Auckland Healthcare; Counties Manukau DHB), the steel industry (Fletcher Building), the airline industry (Qantas NZ), and the telecommunication industry (Vodafone NZ Ltd). As Director of Strategic People Management Limited and Cerito Limited, Cindy has delivered leadership, team and change programmes for a variety of companies in different industries.

Cindy also provides individual coaching and mentoring for middle and senior management including CEO and Director Levels. She facilitates business planning workshops including strategic planning using the scenario planning approach.


Richard Millar

Richard Millar
Richard’s depth of business knowledge and skills in sales, marketing, finance and general management coupled with a very practical approach to training and facilitation has provided excellent value to a large number of organisations.

Richard’s background includes Chief Executive Officer of Cogent Communications in New Zealand where he was responsible for restructuring the company, transforming it into a profitable high growth telecommunications business.

Based in Singapore, Richard was Vice President, Asia Pacific, for Motorola Cellular, having been Managing Director of Motorola New Zealand for more than two years. In addition, Richard has held a number of other senior management positions including General Manager of Epson New Zealand.

Programme Delivery:

Change Management

Strategic Management

Business Finance

Diploma in Frontline Management

Diploma in Management Advanced


Willem Knibbeler

Willem Knibbeler

Willem has extensive experience in hands-on management. First in the Netherlands and since 1980 in New Zealand he has held leadership positions in private as well as public sector organisations including with (Swedish) Signode, Winstone, Feltex and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Since 1994 Willem operates as an independent contractor, designing and delivering workshops in management development and associated areas. As a senior contract facilitator for the New Zealand Institute of Management Willem has delivered training for organisations like the BNZ, Palmerston North City Council, Landcorp and the Ministries of Inland Revenue and Internal Affairs. In addition he has provided specialised training to Parliamentary and Ministerial Services and to the Office of Treaty Settlements. His own clients include TradeMe, Telecom, the Agri-Women Development Trust, Beef & Lamb and the Motor Trade Association (MTA).

Willem has run successful training programmes in:
•Strategic Thinking - - Strategic Management - - Problem Solving and Decision Making
•Negotiation Skills - - Conflict Resolution Skills - - Mediation Skills
•Dealing with Difficult People or Situations
•Emotional Intelligence

Willem’s passion is to pass on his skills, knowledge and motivation to New Zealand professionals. His particular strength is in customising the content and the delivery of his workshops to meet the exact needs of his clients.

Willem’s qualifications include Masters Degrees in Business Administration (Executive MBA), in Management (MMgt) and in International Relations (MIR). He is accredited in the use of:
•DiSC™ – personality style profiling
•BarOn EQi™ – measure of emotional intelligence
•Various 360° feedback instruments

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