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Celts and Vikings: The Archaeology of Scotland
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Personal Interest
Victoria University Community Continuing Education
Victoria University Community Continuing Education Level 2, Rutherford House, 23 Lambton Quay, Wellington City
Two Days
9:00 am - 1:30 pm
Early Bird Discount available until 2 weeks prior to the course start date $99.00 incl GST
Throughout the centuries, Scottish history has been shaped by invading populations that brought with them their politics and cultural influences. This course introduces a brief history of the Picts and the arrival of the Romans in Scotland. It then examines in detail the development of and interaction between the Celtic and Viking populations during the mediaeval period. Using historical records and archaeological and linguistic evidence you will discover how its history has shaped present-day Scotland

Target audience:
This course is for anyone with an interest in Scottish history and archaeology.

Learning objectives:
By the end of this course, participants will have:

•gained an overview of Scottish mediaeval history with a focus on Celtic and Viking-settled regions
•learnt about Scottish culture
•integrated and interpreted historical records, archaeological and linguistic evidence.
Course outline:
The course:

•introduces early Scottish history: the Picts and Romans, Irish immigration and the development of Pictish and Irish peoples
•outlines the development of and interaction between the Celtic and Viking populations in mediaeval Scotland through aspects of archaeology, history and linguistics.
Course format:
Sessions are four and a half hours long (including breaks) and held over one weekend.

There is a break during each session, and you are welcome to bring refreshments if you wish.

For further information:
Community Continuing Education Victoria University of Wellington, PO Box 600, Wellington
Phone 04 463 6556, Email:

Gerit Schwenzer has an MA in Celtic studies from the University of Vienna, Austria, and is currently working on her PhD thesis in prehistoric archaeology.

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