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Business Ethics (DMA)
New dates will be available shorty
Professional Development
New Zealand Institute of Management
4th Floor, Phillips Fox Tower, 209 Queen St, Auckland, CBD
Less Than 1 Week
3 day workshop
for members and $2000.00 for non members

One of the key roles for management and governance practitioners is the establishment and enforcement of ethical standards for their workplace. This two-day programme provides practical ideas and guidance for those who wish to craft, introduce and maintain effective standards for ethical conduct. The programme is highly thought-provoking and intellectually challenging, since it immerses the participants in a variety of true ethical dilemmas which they need to resolve through ethical choice-making. The programme will subsequently explore how the ethical choices can be converted into practical standards of ethical conduct for their workplace.


Participants will benefit if they:

Have managerial or leadership responsibility for a team, a section or an organisation
Have governance responsibility on a Board or other body of governance
Believe they can or should play an active role in the review, crafting, introduction or maintenance of appropriate standards of conduct
Consider themselves or others to be the victim of professional or business misconduct and wish to educate themselves more fully about bestpractice in their business or industry
Intend to start a project, business or enterprise and wish to update their knowledge about the theory and practice of building an ethically responsible workplace

On successful completion of this programme, it is expected you will have the tools to be able to;

Understand and interpret the general philosophical principles of ethics practically
Create and introduce well-considered standards of ethical conduct in the workplace
Communicate the importance of ethical behaviours and decisions
Model ethical behaviour and choice-making
Coach those who have difficulty in adhering to the accepted standards of ethical conduct
Decisively and effectively address ethical misconduct, within organisational, societal and legal parameters
Build, maintain and champion a culture of ethical conduct

This programme contains FOUR key components:

An exploration of the philosophical concept of ethical behaviours or decisions.
An exploration of the practical consequences of ethical behaviours or decisions (or the lack thereof) on the team, the organisation, the industry or the society.
An exploration of the practical ways in which professional and business ethics can be introduced or enhanced in the participants’ realm of responsibility.
An exploration of the managerial practices involved in upholding standards of ethical conduct – in organisational, societal and legal context.
To demonstrate or assess the importance and potential impact of ethical behaviours and decisions, this programme uses true events that provide ethical dilemmas or acts of ethical misconduct common in the workplace. The participants will critically assess these dilemmas and acts and will learn to transform their findings and conclusions into practical standards of ethical conduct suitable for their workplace.
NZIM Qualified Facilitator
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